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9 New Year Business Quotes for ATM Business Owners

New Year business quotes function much the same way as any other motivational quote you might have seen in your lifetime. The difference is that these quotes can be directly applied to business owners.

The beginning of a new year is inherently motivational for most people. It signifies a fresh start, a second chance, and new opportunities. This applies to us personally as well as professionally. As a business owner, entrepreneur, or self-starter, do you feel more motivated with the arrival of the new year?

If you need a little more motivation or inspiration, here are 9 New Year business quotes to help you achieve business success this year.

1. “Another day, a whole ‘nother set of possibilities.” -MacGyver

We like this New Year business quote because it doesn’t just apply to a new year. You can apply this one to any day. A new year, a new quarter, a new month, a new day…. All signify opportunities to achieve more. 

What are your goals for this year? What are your goals for this month? For today? And those are just the possibilities you’ve listed for yourself. Those don’t even account for the opportunities that will come your way that you might not even expect. Will you take advantage of those opportunities? 

Angus “Mac” MacGyver is famous for his unconventional problem solving skills. Will you be defeated by any problems this year brings, or will you welcome them as possibilities and opportunities? 

2. “Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right.” -Oprah Winfrey

“Cheers” is right! Hopefully you welcome the new year rather than dread it. You should celebrate an end to the previous year, a year surely filled with mistakes that you have since learned from. Take comfort in knowing that this year offers you a fresh start, a clean slate, a chance to put into action everything that you learned from last year.

Although it may seem that Oprah gets everything right all of the time, that is far from the case. And if she needs another chance to get it right, cut yourself some slack and try, try again.

3. “There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” -C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis is a writer known for The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and The Chronicles of Narnia. As a fiction writer, he knew a thing or two about possibilities. You, too, are a writer. Although Lewis’s famous works contain fantastical elements, you have the chance to write your own story. 

What does the new year hold for you? What are you manifesting or working toward? No matter how successful (or disappointing) last year was, you now have the chance to make this year even better. The pen is in your hand. 

4. “A person can succeed at almost anything for which they have unlimited enthusiasm.” -Charles M. Schwab

Sure, easy for Charles M. Schwab to say, a man who accumulated a fortune of around $200,000,000 in his lifetime. Nonetheless, there is truth to what he says. Everyone measures success differently. Success looks different for each individual and for each business. However, if you love what you do, find joy in your work, and are genuinely enthusiastic, there is no doubt that success will follow.

5. “Work smarter not harder.” -Allen F. Morgenstern

We know, we know. You’ve heard this one before. But did you know that it dates back to the 1930s? Allen F. Morgenstern, an engineer, coined the term during a work simplification program with the intent of increasing peoples’ ability to produce more with less effort. 

Now, there is some controversy about this particular new year business quote. So allow us to clarify why we’ve included it here:

First of all, it doesn’t mean you should work yourself to the bone. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ask for help. It doesn’t mean you should already have all of the answers. Quite the opposite.

Working smarter, not harder, in the context of your ATM business, means you should rely on those who have more experience in the industry. Ask questions. Ask for help. And plan ahead.

Working smarter also means you should prepare for any and all potential threats to your business. By this we mean ATM security. What potential threats, problems, malfunctions can you prevent this year that will save you time and money resolving in the worst case scenario? 

With the appropriate processes and procedures in place this year, you can ensure more revenue with less effort this year. Just like Morgenstern taught us.

6. “Do more than is required of you.” -General George S. Patton

Does anyone really succeed by doing the bare minimum? General George S. Patton didn’t. One of the most famous American military commanders during World War II, General George S. Patton was known as “Old Blood and Guts” and was awarded a Distinguished Service Medal and the Purple Heart.

General George S. Patton went above and beyond his duty and was revered and respected for doing so. This is what is necessary to make a name for yourself. If you’ve “gotten by” in the past, this year, try to do more than is required of you and see if you notice a difference in your business (and your life!).

7. “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” -Albert Einstein

Once you have some experience in the ATM industry under your belt, you can start to get creative. Experiment with your surcharge. Will a lower surcharge bring in more customers and therefore more revenue? Or is your traffic mostly local regulars where a higher surcharge brings you more consistent income?

What about advertising? Is there anything you can do to draw more attention to your ATM machine or business? Are there any extra features you’d like to add to your ATM machine this year to set your business apart from the competition?

Can you get creative with opportunities in the ATM industry? Maybe you want to start selling ATM machines to locations or get into cryptocurrency ATMs

You don’t have to be a genius like Albert Einstein to be successful. Once you have a little more experience, or intelligence, about the ATM industry, you can start to get creative and have a little more fun with your business.

8. “If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.” -Peter F. Drucker

This New Year business quote from Peter F. Drucker, management consultant, reminds us of another: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Do you want to make more revenue? Do you want to scale your business? Are you unhappy in your current position? Would you prefer to work out of a different location?

If there is any aspect of your business that makes you unhappy or uncomfortable, it’s time to make a change. Whatever it is you are doing now that isn’t working needs to stop. 

“Something new” could refer to something material: If you want a new car, you might have to make more revenue. Okay, so what changes could you make to your business that might generate more income?

Or, “something new” could refer to a state: If you want to feel less stressed in your business, you might need to consider a different business model. Is there an aspect of your business you’d like to focus more on? Are there parts you could outsource, maybe parts you dread or don’t really have time for? 

Every ATM business looks different. There is no one way to do it. What do you want yours to look like this year?

9. “A business absolutely devoted to service will have only one worry about profits: they will be embarrassingly large.” -Henry Ford

Henry Ford knew a thing or two about service and profits. His service made him a household name, and he would have been worth about $200 billion today.

Now, your ATM business operates on a much smaller scale than Ford Motor Company, but what is one surefire way to ensure you keep generating profit? Focus your energy and attention on the customer. 

Great ATM customer service goes a long way. Customers are loyal to businesses that listen to them and know them. What do the customers in your area need? What surcharge is convenient for them? Are they able to contact you? How quickly do you address machine issues?

You don’t have a business if you don’t have operating machines. And you don’t have income if you don’t have customers. So focus on them this year.

What Can New Year Business Quotes Do For You?

If you struggle to get motivated or stay motivated, these quotes might just help. Take it from the experts, from business owners, entrepreneurs, and self-starters just like you. They’ve been where you are, they know what it takes. And so do we.If you need help getting started, scaling your business, or exploring other opportunities in the ATM industry, don’t hesitate to contact us here at ATMDepot.com. We can help you reach your business goals this year.

7 ATM Business New Year Resolutions

Business new year resolutions. Have you heard of it? Sure, we have our personal ones. But why not treat your business with the same respect? Business new year resolutions are a good way to assess the state of your business and make the most of the upcoming year.

Curious to know where to start? Feel like you’ve already got a good thing going? Check out these 7 ATM business new year resolutions just to make sure. 

1. Make Financial Projections

Making financial projections is an important part of any business. An ATM business is no different. Reviewing each year’s finances sets you up for success in the upcoming years. It allows you to make relevant decisions for your business and set realistic goals.

For example, you want to consider your cash needs. Did you have enough this year to run your business? Will you need more next year? Less? 

Additionally, consider your revenue goals for next year. Did you hit your revenue goals this year? If you didn’t, what do you need to adjust?

Finally, what expenses do you predict for the upcoming year? Are you prepared to cover them?

Making financial projections allows you to make strategic decisions and have clear expectations for the year ahead.

2. Plan Strategically

Once you have your financial projections in place, what’s your plan for implementation? What will you do to reach your goals? If you want to scale your business, you might consider investing in more machines or building some relationships with location owners. 

If you want to increase revenue, you might want to revisit your surcharge fee. Is it still competitive? Is it still reasonable for your customer-base? Spending and market trends change all of the time. So make sure your surcharge continues to match your target audience’s needs to bring in as many transactions as you can.

Maybe there are more opportunities in the business that you might be interested in. Do you want to outsource vaulting? Or start vaulting yourself? Do you want to try a new role in the ATM business? You could switch from independent ATM deployer (IAD) to ATM seller. Or maybe you want to do both!

You might also think about developments in the market. Cryptocurrency and cannabis might present new business opportunities for you this year. And maybe you want to explore other businesses in your area that are experiencing a high cash need. What new businesses started in your town recently that you could approach?

All of these are factors you should consider for the new year. This is the best time of year to be thinking about your ATM business new year resolutions that set you up for a lucrative upcoming year.

3. Market Yourself

If you decide that you do want to scale your business or make more revenue or explore some new opportunities this new year, you might need to do some marketing. If you haven’t done so yet, you might start on social media. Create a business page or account and advertise the service(s) you offer and the pain points your business helps solve. 

You can do the same on ATM business fliers and business cards. ATM business fliers are great ways to leave behind information for location owners who don’t have time for a meeting with you or who want time to think about an offer. ATM business cards are handy when unexpected opportunities come your way. Keep some on you for when people inquire about your business!

And, depending on the size of your business, you might consider creating a website. What people do you want to reach, and what is the most accessible way for them to find you? If your marketing could use improvements, make this one of your ATM business new year resolutions!

4. Use More Technology

It’s never too late to start using more technology. So often it makes our lives easier—and our businesses. Think about your current ATM equipment. Is it becoming outdated? Do you need to invest in newer machines? This could prevent you having to worry about repairs or unexpectedly being out of order. However, newer, shinier machines bring in more traffic than older, dingy machines. 

There are other things you can do, though, to improve an older machine without springing for a new one. You might add new and improved features or improve existing ones. For example, you could add a topper to your machine that displays relevant messages to patrons. Toppers also draw users’ attention which means more business for you!

You could also upgrade your keyboard to one that is lighted. This is visually pleasing to customers and helps them conduct their transactions in dimly lit locations like bars and restaurants. Screens can be upgraded, too. Bigger ones draw more attention, and ones where customers can see themselves make them feel more secure using your machine.

If you struggled with internet service this year, you might want to consider purchasing a wireless device. This gives you more control over your connection and service without having to coordinate with the location’s internet service provider (ISP). More reliable internet service means that you are able to provide more reliable ATM service which could improve your business this coming year.

5. Update Security

Speaking of using more technology and implementing updates and upgrades, you will want to think about improving your security, too. 

It can be overwhelming (and expensive) to spring for every feature available for ATM machines when you are just getting started. Purchasing an ATM machine itself is a financial commitment even without all of the add-ons.

So, if you’ve been in business for a while, have made some revenue, and feel more comfortable, it might be time to improve your ATM security. Security cameras, GPS trackers, and online monitoring are great ways to protect your assets and your customers. You also want to update your software to protect against software hacks that can cause your machine to malfunction.

There are other security measures you can implement, too. For example, think about switching up your vaulting schedule to be less predictable. Or, if you hire out any of your business processes, get rid of anyone you don’t trust. Alternatively, if you are wanting to work less in your business, hire people you do trust to take over the parts of the business you no longer enjoy.

Still haven’t purchased ATM insurance?  Could you benefit from peace of mind? Are you in a better position to add the expense? It’s something to think about as you prepare your business for the new year.

6. Get Business Processes Down on Paper

To really have an organized business, it’s a good idea to document your business processes and practices. Get all parties and their responsibilities down on paper. Revisit, review, and update any contracts you have with location owners or third party partners.

The new year is a good time to make sure all of your ATM business processes are running smoothly and that you are comfortable with them. If they aren’t, you will need to get your business back on track. Make sure that each person involved in your business knows the processes and adheres to the practices you have laid out.

7. Clean Up

Finally, make sure your business is clean going into the new year. Clean the area around your ATM machine. Sweep, dust, polish, and sanitize. If any stickers are peeling, replace them! A clean machine is more attractive to passersby and puts you a step above the competition. Plus, it’s just a good way to enter the new year: fresh!

What Are Your ATM Business New Year Resolutions?

Now that you’ve seen 7 of our ATM business new year resolutions suggestions, it’s time to make your own list. What goals do you have for your business this year? What changes do you need to make? Is there anything you want to start doing? Stop doing? 

And if things are going great, keep up the good work! What do you need to keep doing? And how can you prepare for obstacles you might have luckily avoided in the past?

It’s never too late to be prepared. There is always room for improvement. Remember that as trends and markets change, so should your business. Pay attention to who your customers are and what their needs are. That’s where you will find the most success.

This new year, those of us at ATM Depot wish you nothing less than prosperity!

Cash App Taxes Could Increase ATM Usage

Cash app taxes could increase ATM usage. Many small businesses, freelancers, and those employed in part-time work who rely on cash apps, or payment applications, might have a new tax form to file next year. 

Now, just $600 in online payments will trigger form 1099-K. What does this mean for payment app users? What does this mean for independent ATM deployers (IADs)? 

Well, increased tax reporting and scrutiny could push many small businesses and self-employed individuals to encourage or limit themselves to cash transactions. And more cash transactions means more cash withdrawals and more ATM business.

What are Payment Apps?

Payment apps allow person to person (p2p) transactions. Whether payment is for goods and services or for monetary gifts or reimbursement, payment apps are a quick, convenient, free way to send money to people you know and trust. 

Payment apps are popular alternatives to cash because they allow users to pay for goods and services and share money among friends and family without needing to carry a wallet. Payments are now immediate. You don’t have to worry about going to the bank or about someone forgetting to “get you back.” 

Payment apps work by linking debit cards, bank accounts, and sometimes credit card information and securely storing it to send and receive money right from your phone. No wallet needs to be present, you aren’t limited to in-person transactions, and in some cases payments can even be made internationally.

The biggest draw is that they are free to use. The only nominal fees are for expedited or extra services.

What are the Most Popular Payment Apps?

The convenience of payment apps has made them quite popular. Some of the most popular payment apps in 2022 are PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, and Zelle. Each of these payment apps has millions of active users all over the world. And many people use more than one depending on their needs. 

Each app has its own niche, if you will. PayPal is the oldest payment app. It has earned the public’s trust because of its strong encryption technology used to keep user accounts secure. PayPal is a good option for freelancers and other business purposes because it offers an invoice feature that can be used to specify the nature of purchased goods and services.

Venmo is the most popular payment app for exchanging small amounts of money between friends and relatives. Need to spot a friend $5? Venmo. Need to pay your share of the rent? Venmo. Splitting a dinner bill? Venmo.

Cash App is another hassle-free way to send small amounts of money to contacts. Cash App doesn’t offer the social aspect Venmo does (a feed of who sent money to whom and for what). But it does offer users a digital wallet that enables the buying and selling of bitcoin. 

Zelle can be used independently as its own app. Most Zelle account holders, though, use the app through their banking app. Banks like Chase, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo use Zelle to allow their customers to send small amounts of money safely from their bank account. 

In order to use one app, both sender and recipient have to have it. So this can cause some people to have active accounts with multiple payment apps at one time.

Do Cash App Taxes Apply to All Transactions?

You might have heard about cash app taxes from unnecessarily worried peers or even seen something in the news. However, very little is actually changing in terms of tax laws.

Monetary gifts and reimbursement are still considered non-taxable income. So only those who receive payment for goods and services through a third-party app should expect to file a 1099-K form with their 2022 taxes next year.

What is a 1099-K Form?

Form 1099-K is a tax reporting form just like many others everyone has filed in their lifetime. It provides the IRS with information about the gross amount of payment transactions a person receives via third-party payment networks (like the ones listed above). 

The Good News

You are probably already familiar with this form if your gross payments exceeded $20,000, and you reported earnings if you had more than 200 payment transactions. The difference now is that rather than the $20,000 threshold, it’s $600. And rather than 200 transactions, the minimum is 1.

What this means is that more people will be filing form 1099-K next year than previously. More people receive at least $600 worth of income in a year paid via payment app than those who receive over $20,000.

These payment app companies are required to send a 1099-K to the tax filer as well as to the IRS. This actually simplifies tax filing! Say a freelancer or part-time worker has multiple streams of income paid through three different payment apps. Rather than hunting down and documenting information for each app separately, form 1099-K contains information about the gross amount of payment transactions made on any and all qualifying third-party payment networks.

So, whether individuals receive one $600 payment in exchange for goods or services or they receive thirty $20 payments, they should expect to receive a 1099-K form by January 31, 2023.

The Bad News

The problem is, it is possible for this form to reflect both taxable and nontaxable transactions. To prevent confusion and delayed tax filing, it might be a good idea to separate business and personal accounts. Otherwise, someone might end up paying more taxes than necessary. And to make sure they don’t, they’ll need to look at the information carefully and compare it to their (hopefully) carefully maintained records….

Those who only receive $600 via digital payment apps in a given year might not see the importance of separating this income from personal gifts and reimbursements or of maintaining records of it. Now that more people will have an extra form to file next year, more people might dread the extra time and responsibility of discerning the information.

However, self-employed individuals are and always have been required to report all earnings to the IRS when filing their tax returns. So those who aren’t trying to break the law don’t have anything to worry about!

Unfortunately, there could be a number of people receiving form 1099-K by mistake. Take, for example, the bride who worried that monetary gifts she received to help fund her honeymoon would be reported to the IRS and taxed. If she were to receive a 1099-K form, all she would have to do is prove that the money she received through digital payment apps was gifted and therefore nontaxable income.

Although this burden of proof might not be so easy for some people, it should be relatively easy to rectify. Mistakes should be reported to the third-party digital payment company who issued the payments. They will resolve the issue, not the IRS.

Why Are Cash App Taxes a Thing?

2021 American Rescue Plan Act

This new law concerning payment or cash app taxes is part of Joe Biden’s 2021 American Rescue Plan Act which was passed by the Democrats in March 2021. (You might be familiar with the additional stimulus payments, enhanced unemployment aid, and expanded child tax credit also covered by this bill.) 

As a result of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, any transactions made after March 11, 2021 that exceed $600 must be reported to the IRS, regardless of the number of those transactions. Prior to this legislation, third-party payment platforms would only report users who had more than 200 commercial transactions and made more than $20,000 in payments over the course of a year.

It’s important to remember that this bill doesn’t change tax laws, it only changes income reporting. Self-employed individuals have always had the responsibility of reporting income from all sources and paying taxes on it. Now, there is just another form in the mail, and it might include nontaxable income if people aren’t careful.

The purpose of this bill is to cut down on tax evasion. It allows the IRS to keep track of transactions made through payment apps that often go unreported. This digital trail keeps freelancers and other self-employed or part-time workers from not reporting or underreporting their earnings.

Tips for Taxpayers

In order to accurately report income, these apps will need additional information. They will need either an Employer Identification Number (EIN), Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN), or Social Security Number (SSN). If this information is not already on file with the digital payment apps people use, they will be reaching out to users to confirm tax information due to this new law.

Remember, too, that only money received in exchange for goods and services should be reported and taxed. Nontaxable income includes monetary gifts (birthday, holiday, wedding), split bill payments, and other reimbursements. Any items sold at a loss are also nontaxable. Examples are items sold at a garage sale or on Facebook Marketplace. 

But those who purchase new items and resell them for profit should expect to report that income to the IRS. If they don’t, and they receive payment through a payment app, the IRS will know.

The new law requires that form 1099-K go to both the taxpayer and the IRS. So, there is a good chance that they will notice any discrepancies between federal income tax returns and income reports. Therefore, it’s important for individuals to report their taxable income and keep good records.

What Do Cash App Taxes Mean for IADs?

This new legislation affects anyone who receives earnings through digital payment apps instead of direct deposit, paper check, or cash. Those most likely to accept these types of payments are small businesses, freelancers, minors, and other self-employed, part-time workers.

About 1 in 4 Americans makes extra income online. It might be from selling something, renting something out, or providing online services. And global transactions associated with the gig economy are projected to grow to about $455 billion by 2023.

So anyone who doesn’t want their online income reported directly to the IRS will need to conduct more business using cash. Not to mention minors who earn income from mowing lawns, babysitting, caretaking, and other odd jobs.

It seems some kids will be learning about taxes a lot sooner than most. And it could result in their guardians covering these taxes, too. This is just more encouragement for minors and other part-time, odd-job workers to revert to relying on more cash payments. And that’s good news for the ATM industry.

Cash is King

We never believed that digital payment apps would replace cash to the extent that it becomes obsolete. This just confirms what we’ve been saying all along: Cash is king! 

It’s safe, it’s private, and it’s universal. Everyone has it, everyone can accept it, everyone can spend it. And as long as cash has a place in society, so will ATM machines and ATM businesses!

Convinced that there is no better time than now to start or scale your ATM business? ATM Depot can help. Contact us today to get started!

ATM Security Camera: Do You Need One?

An ATM security camera is a great way to protect your ATM, your customers, and your business. Not only does an ATM security camera deter crime, it also helps to catch criminals in the act.

There are many things you can do to improve the security of your ATM machine. But an ATM camera is one of the easiest things you can do. Unfortunately, it isn’t the cheapest thing you can do. 

Essentially, the choice to invest in an ATM security camera is up to you, the owner. Keep reading so that you can make an informed decision!

Benefits of an ATM Security Camera

Yes, cameras are popular security measures. But why? There are many ways video surveillance protects your ATM, your customers, and your business. 

Deter Crime

Obviously, the more security precautions you take, the better. Criminals do not want to spend more than a couple of minutes at an ATM machine, so after an obstacle or two, they are likely to just move on. And an ATM security camera is an obstacle.

To combat an ATM security camera, criminals would have to plan ahead and disguise or cloak themselves to avoid being identified. Or, they would have to remove or damage the camera. However, they would have to find the camera first, and that might take time. Even still, the camera could capture them in the act and, although destroyed, footage could be saved digitally.

This is not a hassle or risk most criminals want to face. Those “Smile, you’re on camera” surveillance signs you’ve probably seen in locations you frequent work. Don’t let someone break into your ATM machine because they didn’t know there would be visual proof. Let them know that the machine is under surveillance and prevent the crime and any associated damage altogether.

Catch Criminals

While surveillance camera systems reduce crime by 50% or more, crimes still happen. In these cases where the crime isn’t deterred, an ATM security camera can help catch the criminal. The camera can provide real-time response to give you a head start on alerting the authorities, and then you can provide them with identification from face detection and recognition from photo and video.

Prove Theft

An ATM security camera also provides access to photo and video of transactions. If you report theft to your insurance company, they might require proof. Providing them with that data helps you recover any losses. 

You might also have a customer who gets robbed at the ATM machine. He or she might call you to see if there is anything you can do. If you have the video footage, you could provide your customer with superior customer service. You might be able to help detect certain attacks as well and alert the authorities sooner than a bystander could.

And, unfortunately, you might need photo and video footage of transactions if you have a customer who files a false complaint. Having an ATM security camera can help you settle disputes and protect yourself against false claims.

Reassure Customers

Sure, an ATM security camera helps keep your ATM safe from damage and robbery, but it also protects your customers. Customers are more likely to use a machine that is under video surveillance than one that isn’t because they feel safer using it. 

This is another reason why it’s a good idea to advertise that your ATM machine is under surveillance. It could set you apart from competitors and bring in more business!

Where to Get an ATM Security Camera

You have a few options for security equipment. 

First, you can purchase machines that already have a camera built in. The Hyosung Force, for example, can be upgraded to include the Monivision Camera. The Monivision Camera takes a snapshot of customers as they enter their PINs and again as the cash dispenses. 

The Monivision Camera allows customers to see themselves on screen. This not only provides them with safety and comfort being able to see who is behind them, but criminals can also see themselves and know right away to move on!

Similarly, Genmega also offers a camera system. The GenCam camera system is actually included on all Genmega machines as a standard feature for no additional cost!

Now, you might already have ATM equipment that didn’t come with a camera system. You could upgrade your screen, or you could purchase your own third-party camera system from retailers like Costco or Amazon (we recommend a two-camera system). This means you might have to install it yourself. But how?

Where to Install an ATM Security Camera

An ATM security camera is really only as good as its placement. It isn’t going to work effectively if it isn’t aimed in the right direction. Therefore, installation is fairly straightforward. 

First, you will want the camera to have a clear view of a user’s hands and face. This will help you monitor transactions and settle disputes. You also want to try to capture as much of the surrounding area as possible. This can help deter or capture anyone lurking in the background. 

Finally, make sure the area is well-lit to improve the video quality. There is no sense in recording activity if the photo or video is dim, blurred, or obscure. This defeats the purpose of using surveillance for identification.

Do You Need an ATM Security Camera?

Camera systems and video surveillance are extra services and therefore come at an additional cost. If you are just starting out, this might be a feature you add on after you start generating revenue. However, it can also be a beneficial investment to protect your business and your customers. How much is your peace of mind worth?

You might even be fortunate enough to place your ATM machine in a location that already has video surveillance in place. Or, if you have an outdoor ATM machine, it might be in view of cameras of nearby locations. 

Of course, you will want to contact these locations to make sure the cameras are functional. They can be a crime deterrence regardless, but don’t count on them for evidence if they go out of service. You might feel better just having control of your own ATM security camera system so that you can make sure they are always functioning and get real-time data.

Each ATM business is different and each deployer has different needs and budgets. So consider the information in this article and make the decision that’s right for you!

Do ATMs Have GPS?

Do ATMs have GPS? Should yours?

Thieves go where the money is. Unfortunately, that puts a target on your ATM machines. However, there are many ways to mitigate your vulnerability and loss. As criminals get more creative and more bold, more precautions are taken and security measures implemented. So which are right for you?

No ATM business looks the same. Some independent ATM deployers (IADs) operate one machine, others have entire fleets. Some machines are busier and more profitable than others. And machines are in a variety of locations with a variety of potential threats.

So when deciding which security measures are right for you, there are a number of factors to consider. Location, placement, ATM type, and budget are a few. 

If you want to know do ATMs have GPS, the answer is yes. Do all ATMs? No. GPS tracking is an added feature that ATM operators can spring for just like any other security feature or add-on. 

In this article, we’ll explain what GPS tracking looks like and list some other security options you might want to consider. 

How Does GPS Tracking Work?

GPS tracking works just like you’d expect. The tracking device is mounted to the machine and location data allows the machine to be recovered in the event of a theft. However, there are a few other ways this can work:

In addition to informing ATM owners and law enforcement of a machine’s location, some GPS systems will also trigger a silent alarm if the machine is jostled or tilted. They can also send emails and other real-time notifications. This allows ATM owners to act quicker, retrieve their property sooner, and prevent further damage or theft.

Geofencing is another security feature that creates an electrical “fence” around a specified perimeter. Then, the owner is notified if an ATM machine breaches this electrical barrier without authorization.

Cassette trackers are also an option. Thieves might be able to break into an ATM machine and access the cash cassettes without removing the machine itself. Then, an ATM tracker would be useless, but the cassette tracker can help locate the criminals who take off with them.

Do I Need a GPS Tracker?

GPS tracking helps deter crime, recuperate property and cash, and apprehend offenders. The longer property goes unrecovered, the less likely it is to be discovered. That’s why it’s important to act fast. Knowing when a crime is taking place gives you a head start. 

Thieves who take off with entire ATM machines could be tracked and arrested before they are even able to break into the vault. This quick action could prevent you from losing hundreds of dollars of cash.

The benefits of GPS tracking are clear. But there are many other factors you should consider.


GPS tracking systems can be expensive. In many cases, ATM owners not only purchase the GPS tracking gadgets, but the companies that sell them also provide human support in the event of a theft, and that service costs money as well. 

For this reason, it’s more common for bank ATMs to have GPS trackers. They have more money to spend on security systems, and they can justify the cost a little easier than an IAD. 

Bank ATMs are bigger targets because the higher cash levels equal a bigger reward for thieves, and they are always stocked. Independently owned ATM machines have lower cash stores and are emptied at closing (or at least should be) to prevent after hours ATM robbery.


If you are still wondering if you should invest in GPS tracking, consider the location of your ATMs. Are they in high-crime, large, metropolitan areas? These are the areas where ATM crimes are the highest. If your ATMs aren’t in a large city, you might not need such advanced security.


Are your ATM machines indoors or outdoors? Outdoor and other 24/7 ATM machines have a greater risk of theft because they are vulnerable during high-risk hours—between midnight and 4am. Indoor ATM machines also have other safeguards and obstacles like doors, walls, furniture, and alarms. 

Consider what security measures are already in place where your machine is located and in surrounding areas. GPS tracking only helps you during or after a crime. So your first line of defense is precautions to deter criminals and prevent crime.

Other Security Measures

There are many security measures you can take to protect your ATM machine and prevent the need for GPS tracking. You want to make sure you have eyes on your machine as often as possible. Make good decisions about who has access to the machine. And make it difficult for criminals to access; you don’t want your machine to be an easy target….

Strategic Placement

First of all, place your machine strategically. Try to place it away from doors and windows that could be points of ingress after hours. If that’s not possible, make sure it’s in view of security cameras at your location or of cameras nearby. 

Barriers and Obstacles

Create physical barriers and obstacles for criminals (while leaving a clear path for customers). Keep the front free for customers, but try to protect the sides with walls or other furniture. This will make the machine more difficult to get to, especially for hackers who might try to launch a logical attack via the electronics. We also recommend bolting your machine into the floor. 

Updated Software

Keeping your software updated also helps protect you from logical attacks. Outdated software is easier to hack and manipulate. If a criminal has to be with your machine for more than a couple of minutes, he or she will likely just move on.

Strategic Vaulting Procedures

Be strategic with your vaulting procedures, too. Keep an irregular schedule that makes robberies hard to predict and plan. Limit the number of people who have access to the machine (theft can come from within your business as well). And empty the vault after hours, like a cash register, and keep the door open to deter money-grabbers.

Pre Existing Security

The building where your machine is located might already have a number of security features in place, too. If the building itself is protected, your machine is less vulnerable. Consider security cameras, alarm systems, barred windows, etc.

Remote Online Monitoring

If you work with an ATM company like ATM Depot, you have access to remote online ATM monitoring. This allows you to have “eyes” on your machine at all times. Once you are familiar with what a regular day looks like for your ATM machine, you will be able to spot suspicious activity (too many withdrawals in proximity, too large of withdrawals).

You might even have a camera on your machine so that you can literally monitor your ATM activity remotely. Advertise that the machine is under surveillance (Smile! You’re on camera!) to deter criminals as well. 

ATM Insurance

And of course, for peace of mind, consider investing in ATM insurance. That way, in the worst case scenario, you are covered. 

Why Do ATMs Have GPS?

Some ATM machines now have GPS trackers installed. This allows the owner to alert authorities immediately in the event of a theft. And subsequently, it allows the authorities to recover the property and make an arrest. 

Therefore, ATM machines that have a higher chance of being stolen or broken into benefit from being able to locate the property and cash. In some cases, property may be recovered even before the criminals break into the vault. 

GPS tracking systems can protect your ATM machines. But so can bolts, cameras, alarms, and physical obstacles. Choose the security features that make sense for your business and fit your budget. Coordinate with the location owner to create strategies that protect the entire store. And most importantly, don’t be an easy target!