13 FAQs About How to Get Into the ATM Business

If you want to know how to get into the ATM business, there are a lot of factors to consider. First, you might want to be sure that getting into the ATM business is something you really want to do. Therefore, you will want to be able to weigh the rewards against the costs before you get invested.

Then, once you are sure you want to start an ATM business, you will likely have a lot of questions about what to expect and how to handle certain situations. We’ve found that many new independent ATM deployers (IADs) have some of the same curiosities and concerns when it comes to getting started. 

Our hope is that by answering these frequently asked questions all in one place, IADs will understand how to get into the ATM business and become confident about getting started. 

What Is an ATM Business?

Before understanding the ins and outs of how to get into the ATM business, you should know what “ATM business” means. Did you know that not all ATM machines are owned and operated by financial institutions? That means that there are other companies and individuals who purchase ATM machine equipment, place it in locations where there is a lot of foot traffic and demand, and make money from each transaction. 

Individuals who purchase, place, and operate ATM machines are known as independent ATM deployers, or IADs. However, there are a lot of other ways to get involved and make money in the ATM industry. There are ATM vendors who sell ATM equipment to businesses who want to operate their own machines. There are vaulters who work with ATM operators to handle the cash stocking. And there are site locators who match businesses and operators so that both parties benefit from the placement.

Regardless of your role, the following FAQs and answers can help you better understand how to get into the ATM business and start making money. 

1. How much does it cost to start an ATM business?

Of course, the question that is on the forefront of everyone’s mind is financial investment versus reward. One reason an ATM business is the ultimate side hustle is because it has a low overhead compared to many other businesses. The biggest cost is the ATM machine itself. This can be about $2,000-$3,000. The next cost is the cash you use to stock the machine if you will vault your machine yourself. This is still your money at the end of the day, but it will be tied up in your business as an investment.

There are other costs that vary from operator to operator. For example, you might pay for installation and programming, equipment upgrades and add-ons, and/or advertising. These are all optional.

So while it’s hard to provide an exact number, you can expect to start an ATM business with just a few thousand dollars. The vault cash is the only expense you need in full up front. You can handle installation yourself if you are comfortable, purchase ATM equipment on credit and pay over time, and you can add custom graphics, cameras, and other features over time and as needed once you start making money.

2. What are the ongoing costs of operating an ATM?

Now, those are the costs to consider when it comes to getting up and running. Ongoing costs will include internet service, insurance, maintenance, and travel.

Purchasing your own wireless device to provide your ATM machine with an internet connection separate from the location’s ISP is essential to maintaining consistent service. If anything happens to the location’s internet and your machine loses connection, you will lose more business than it would have cost to provide your own connection. 

Insurance is optional, but the location may require you to obtain at least general liability insurance as a condition of your placement agreement. General liability insurance typically covers bodily injury, property damage, medical payments, and legal defense. 

Maintenance costs will include cleaning supplies, receipt paper, and any technician calls. These costs can be unpredictable, so it’s a good idea to set aside some money or budget for these things.

Finally, you might want to consider the travel to and from your machine. This is why it is important to try to place your machine close to where you live or work or already go regularly. The farther out of the way your machine is, the more you will spend on travel costs.

3. How do I make money from an ATM?

There are a lot of different ways to make money from an ATM. As an ATM site locator who negotiates with location owners on behalf of ATM owners, you can request a flat rate or negotiate for a share of the surcharge. As an ATM vendor, you can mark up the price of ATM equipment to earn an upfront commission and/or keep a share of the surcharge for servicing the machine.

But most commonly, individuals will purchase and operate their own machines, generating revenue from surcharge fees imposed on transactions. Surcharge fees can range anywhere from $1-$10 depending on the location. Setting the right surcharge fee depends on the location. How much demand is there for cash in the area? How much competition is there? What is the average withdrawal amount? 

When setting a fair surcharge fee, you want it to be high enough to make your return on investment as soon as possible but not too high that customers opt for service elsewhere. Typically, the best surcharge fee is the one that brings in the most users. But you will monitor your data when you start and make adjustments as necessary.

4. What is the typical profit margin for an ATM business?

As an IAD, you can expect to make an annualized return of 35%-70% or more. With just one machine, you can make a few hundred dollars a month. One machine can generate some extra passive income to help supplement your regular salary or fund a savings account or large purchase. But if you want to rely on your ATM business for your salary and make thousands of dollars, plan to scale your business.

To calculate your ATM business profit, multiply your surcharge by the number of transactions you expect to see in a day or month. Then subtract any business costs, and that will be your profit for any given month or year. There are some formulas and calculators you can use to help set the right surcharge fee and estimate your revenue.

Remember that you can always adjust your surcharge fee or even move your machine to a more successful location if you don’t see the numbers you want. And of course, the more machines you operate, the more revenue you will generate.

5. How do I choose a location for my ATM?

Choosing a location for your ATM requires you to consider a number of factors. First, you either need to find a business that wants to offer ATM service to its customers or a gap in the market. Areas that experience high foot traffic and also provide opportunities to spend cash are the best locations for ATM machines.

Remember that you make money from each transaction made on your machine. So you want to see as many transactions as possible. This should really influence where you place your ATM. Will a lot of people pass by your machine? Will those people need cash? Are there clear benefits of an on-site ATM machine for the location owner? 

It is best to start looking near where you live, work, or already travel to frequently. The more you have to travel to and from your machine, the less profit you will make because more of your revenue will be spent on travel costs. 

We’ve created a list of the best ATM locations and how many transactions each typically sees. But each IAD’s situation is unique, so the right location will really depend on the need in your area.

6. Do I need any special license or permits?

You do not need a specific license to operate an ATM business, but you will need some sort of business name to complete the agreement with the ATM processor as your ATM vendor and to open a business bank account. There are a few options.

You can establish a limited liability company (LLC) to separate your personal assets from your business liabilities. This can be a good idea depending on the scale of your operations, your risk tolerance, and your specific business goals. 

The simplest and most common route among new IADs is to create a sole proprietorship and operate under a fictitious business name, or a DBA—doing business as. There are also partnerships and corporations that can be created depending on your business model and goals.

7. What kind of insurance do I need?

You don’t necessarily need any kind of insurance. However, the owner of your location might require that you at least purchase a general liability policy. General liability insurance covers bodily injury, property damage, medical payments, and legal defense. You can expect to spend about $400-$700 a year for $1 million in general liability coverage.

ATM insurance is an inexpensive way to protect yourself against expensive accidents. Since your ATM machine is not owned by a bank, you are not subject to FDIC protection. While you can get ATM business-specific insurance, you don’t have to. A general liability policy might be enough, depending on your needs.

8. How do I choose an ATM provider?

There are a few qualities to look for in an ATM provider or processing company. First, it’s a good idea to look for a company that also sells ATM machines. This way, you can get equipment and service all in one place. And you know the machines you get from your ATM processor can process using their service.

You might also want to look for flexibility in payment options. Automated payments make your income even more passive and your paydays quicker. You might also want the option to split payments between multiple people or accounts. 

Of course, you want to work with a company that offers free processing. The least amount of hidden and unclear fees, the better. Make sure your ATM provider is transparent about any fees and processes.

Maybe most importantly, choose an ATM provider that offers reliable support. Especially when you are just learning how to get into the ATM business, you want to be confident that you will succeed. The best ATM providers will view your success as their success, offer resources, and be available when you need them.

9. How do I manage cash for my ATMs?

There are a few ways to handle cash vaulting. The most profitable way is to do it yourself. You will need a bank account with a balance that you will withdraw regularly for the sole purpose of stocking your machine. You might need $2,000 or so depending on how busy your machine is and how often you will stock it. Withdrawal amounts from your machine get redeposited to that account by your ATM provider. 

Another option is to have the location owner or other location employee handle the vaulting. This is sometimes a good option for IADs who don’t have enough cash available to tie up in the machine; businesses usually do. However, this extra task might cost you more in a revenue share, meaning you might have to pay a portion of the surcharge revenue to the location owner for taking care of this work.

And of course there are independent vaulters and vaulting companies. Your ATM provider might also offer this service. This is the most expensive option, but it alleviates the burden for you.

10. What kind of maintenance do ATMs require?

Fortunately, ATM maintenance is very simple. Just make sure it is clean, attractive, and functional. Keep it stocked with cash and receipt paper, address any errors immediately, and wipe the machine down regularly. If any decals start to peel, replace them. If someone vandalizes it, clean and repair it. 

Most maintenance you can easily conduct yourself. For more complex problems, simply contact your ATM provider or other ATM technician for help. Consult the manual for your machine when necessary, and check YouTube for how-to videos to save yourself time and money working with someone else. 

Know your machine well by monitoring the activity. That way you can identify errors and anomalies more quickly. The faster you resolve an issue, the less time you spend out of business, and the more money you make.

11. How do I handle security concerns?

There are a number of ways criminals can tamper with an ATM machine to try to access cash or customer account details. However, the simplest barriers can easily deter this activity. The most important thing you can do is be vigilant.

It is a good idea to keep your machine under surveillance. Whether it is always in eyeshot of a location employee or in the line of security cameras, advertising this kind of monitoring can deter criminals as well as reassure customers of their safety. 

Make sure the machine is bolted firmly and evenly to the ground to prevent the machine being moved. Test your machine’s security by trying to nudge or shift it. If it doesn’t give, you are good to go! The more time it will take someone to get access to the machine, the less likely they are to pursue it.

Therefore, you want to try to barricade the machine as well. Keep a straight path to it open, of course, but blocking the sides with furniture or displays can make getting to the machine more difficult. 

And again, know your machine well. You don’t want someone to install a pinhole camera or fake front to your machine that would compromise customer account data. Regularly inspect your machine to ensure that it hasn’t been tampered with. 

12. How do I attract business to my ATM?

There are a lot of free and inexpensive ways to bring more traffic to your ATM machine. A little bit of promotion can go a long way; you need to let people know your ATM exists! 

You can purchase an ATM sign and coordinate with the location owner about displaying it, but if you want to save some money at the start, just consider strategic placement. Put your machine close to a payment counter or somewhere else where all or most customers will pass by and see it.

You can also coordinate with the location owner to offer coupons printed on receipts and even advertise deals and discounts for cash payments. Cash payments save businesses on credit card processing fees, so discounts for cash payments is a win-win-win scenario that can encourage more ATM transactions. 

And take advantage of your ATM screen. Create custom graphics that appeal to users and also brand yourself at the same time. You can do this yourself or hire out for it, but some ATM providers will add custom screens as a perk!

13. What is the best ATM equipment?

You have a lot of options when it comes to choosing ATM equipment. To keep it simple, the leading brands are Hyosung and Genmega. But this doesn’t mean you have to purchase one of these brands. What you do want to look for is reliability and ease of use. 

Be wary of used machines. They might come with complicated issues, be noncompliant, or simply no longer work with ATM networks. Purchase new or certified refurbished. This ensures that the machine will function properly. Newer machines also tend to be more user-friendly because any issues with older models are typically improved with newer ones.

You also have a lot of options when it comes to features. The screens, cassettes, locks, etc. will vary from model to model. So shop around and make a list of features that are “nice to have” and features that are “need to have”. This will help you narrow down your options based on your budget. 

How to Get Into the ATM Business

There is a lot of information for you to consider when starting an ATM business. However, we hope that this list of frequently asked questions helps to simplify some of that information and put you at ease knowing what to expect at every stage of the process. 

Working with a knowledgeable, supportive ATM provider can make or break your business. ATMDepot.com specializes in helping people go from zero to ATM business owner. If you want to get into the ATM business as soon as possible, request an ATM Start-up Kit or check out the ATM Business Road Map risk-free to get a detailed guide for starting an ATM business from the ground up. 

An ATM business is the ultimate side hustle. It is simple, inexpensive, and rewarding. With decades of experience and a wealth of resources available to you, we can show you how to get into the ATM business today!

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