7 ATM Customer Service Tips

You may be surprised to read that there are ATM customer service tips. After all, you likely won’t see or personally interact with your customers on a daily basis. However, you do operate a business. And good business people must practice certain etiquette to maintain a successful business. 

You might be competing with banks or other nearby ATM machines. To maximize your transaction revenue, you want customers to choose your machine. How do you do that?

The beauty of the ATM business is that you are able to generate passive income. That means that your machine should make you money with a minimum amount of effort from you. But keep in mind that in order to generate that passive income, you have to make sure that your business runs smoothly even when you aren’t around. 

The following ATM customer service tips will help you provide a seamless experience for your users. And hopefully create repeat customers. But these ATM customer service tips also apply to your relationship with the location owner. 

If you place your ATM machine in someone else’s store, you want to ensure that the store owner and everyone involved is happy with you and your machine. Otherwise, you could risk losing the location. And that can be a costly dilemma, especially if the location brings in a lot of transactions.

So as you read these 7 ATM customer service tips, think about how you can improve your relationship with the location owner and your customers. Because good customer service could make or break your business.  

7 ATM Customer Service Tips

1. Communicate Clearly

When it comes to customer service, communication is key. We can think of a few examples. 

First of all, be transparent about your surcharge fee. No one likes to be surprised by an unexpected charge. And if you have to raise the surcharge, let your customers know why! It’s easier to accept a change if it can be logically understood.

Second, if your machine is out of order for whatever reason, let your customers know what’s going on. If possible, provide a timeframe for resolving the issue. Otherwise, an out of order sign can deter customers for a long time if they feel like they can’t expect reliable service consistently. 

It’s also important to use positive language. Rather than saying “Out-of-Order,” try something like, “We’ll see you tomorrow!” This might not help a one-off customer, but it lets repeat customers know that the problem will be fixed quickly and that they can still rely on the machine in the future.

You might also consider providing contact information. If customers know they can call or email someone if they have a problem, it makes the experience more personable. It’s easy to forget that there is an actual person behind the machine.

Finally, you’ll want to communicate clearly with the location owner and any other partners you might have. Make sure that any agreements are win-win. This will prevent animosity and ensure that your business thrives because everyone has a stake. 

And clearly define roles and responsibilities. Otherwise, tasks might not get done if one party thinks someone else is handling them. Good communication and organization behind the scenes will translate into better ATM customer service for your users.

2. Listen

A major part of good communication is good listening. You can use an active listening strategy like the LAER method to communicate better with your partners and customers. 

If there is an issue or concern, the first step is to listen without interrupting. Second, acknowledge, verbally or nonverbally, that you understand. Then explore what was said. Repeat what was said in your own words to make sure you got it right, and ask follow-up questions to gain more insight. 

Finally, respond. Respond only after you’re sure you know where the other party is coming from. That way your response is direct, relevant, and fair.

3. Be Proactive

There are many strategies for providing good ATM customer service in the event of a problem or conflict. But if you don’t learn from these mistakes, then you’re wasting time. Good ATM customer service doesn’t just mean fixing problems. It also means preventing them.

You can’t provide your service if your machine isn’t functioning properly. So think about what could go wrong and things you can do to prevent it. How could you prevent or minimize the threat of theft or vandalism? Paper jams? Cash shortages? 

Some problems are easier to prevent than others, but if you at least develop a plan of action for some worst case scenarios ahead of time, you will be able to resolve them a lot quicker. The more prepared you are and the faster you act, the sooner you will be able to continue to provide your service.

4. Monitor Data

Remote online monitoring is one way to prevent issues and learn more about your customers. With online monitoring, you are able to track your machine’s activity from wherever you are. Maybe a camera feed shows something suspicious that you want to nip in the bud. Maybe your numbers aren’t working out and you need to chat with your vaulter.

You can also use online monitoring to track activity trends. This allows you to provide better ATM customer service because you know who your customers are and what they need. 

For example, if you notice that Fridays are heavy transaction days, you want to make sure the machine is fully stocked Thursday night. You might also plan to be available or on call on Fridays so that you can quickly resolve any issues and provide good service to more customers.

You might also track withdrawal amounts. If you notice higher withdrawal amounts than you expected, you might consider adjusting the denominations you offer. Learning from your data and acting on it shows that you care about providing good ATM customer service.

5. Unify Your Team

A bicycle doesn’t work with only one wheel. A car won’t work with only three tires. Similarly, your business won’t function to its potential if all parties aren’t working together.

If you are the only member of your operation, you don’t have to worry about this one (provided you are happy with your ATM service provider). However, chances are you at least work with a location owner, location managers, location employees, or anyone responsible for your machine when you aren’t around. 

Make sure that roles and responsibilities are clearly defined and agreed upon. Then, implement measures to check that everyone is doing his or her part. You might need to offer some sort of training, develop a detailed contract, or even outsource some tasks like vaulting. 

Either way, make sure that everyone involved works together to prevent issues and ensure success for each party. 

6. Maintain a Strong Work Ethic

Having a strong work ethic and being a workaholic are two different things. Remember, you want your ATM business to bring you passive income. But in order to do so, it’s your responsibility to make sure your business (or ATM) is working properly.

The more work you put in at the beginning, the more passive your income will be later on. So don’t cut corners, make action plans, and organize your team. Most importantly, be accessible. 

If, by some chance, something goes wrong, you are going to want to know about it. The quicker problems are addressed, the quicker you get back up and running. If a user has trouble with the machine, and they call the number you posted, make sure you are there to help. If your vaulter has an emergency and can’t fill the machine, that responsibility falls on you.

Don’t worry. You can still go out of town or take a vacation if you need to. Just make sure you leave someone in charge while you’re away so that your business continues to run smoothly.

7. Choose the Right Tools

You can’t provide the best ATM customer service with sub-par tools. If you compromise quality equipment to save a buck, there’s a chance your users will encounter more problems and an out-of-order machine.

Your main goal as an ATM business owner is to minimize the amount of downtime your machine experiences. Because when your machine is down, you aren’t making money.

Aside from the machine itself, there are other tools that can help you consistently provide good ATM customer service to your users and your partners. Whether you want to invest in a particular lock, security cameras, or add-ons like a topper, any decision you make with your customers in mind is going to pay off in the end.

Now, you don’t have to invest in every bright and shiny feature, and you can find quality used or refurbished equipment affordably. What we mean by “choose the right tools” is “choose the right tools for you”. Choose the right tools that serve your customers and your location. This will look different for each IAD.

However, we will recommend that you consider adding remote online monitoring and an ATM wireless device to your toolbelt. Having an ATM wireless device for your internet connection allows you to provide your service more predictably and consistently. The alternative is relying on the location’s internet service provider which could be problematic or a hassle to troubleshoot.

Whatever tools you need to consistently provide good ATM customer service are the right tools.

The Importance of ATM Customer Service

Customer service is your business. Without it, you go broke. You have location owners and users counting on you and your machine. Why should they work with you? Why should they choose your machine? Convenience.

The service you provide is convenient access to cash. If you compromise ATM customer service, your business will lose that convenience factor. An ATM business is a unique business model, but all businesses rely on good customer service to succeed. These tips can help.

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