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Protecting Your ATM

Why You Should Know About Protecting Your ATM

Protecting Your ATM

Customers know that protecting your ATM pin and the card are the most important things to know concerning their bank accounts and their money or investments. There are several scams that thieves devise to try and separate the customer from his money and the customer should always be on the lookout for anything that seems out of the ordinary or different from the norm.

Banks and ATM companies continually warn its customers to not ever give their PIN’s out to anyone. These financial institutions warn customers through mass mailings, over email and sometimes even offer tips and advice on things they can do to protect their ATM cards. Customers are also advised continuously that it’s not ever a good idea to write their PIN number down anywhere. Their advised as well to select a PIN that’s hard to decipher, one that’s not associated with anything that can easily be hiked. This includes associating it with things like an important birthdate, an anniversary date, an address or even using a consistent, traceable number that is used in other PIN numbers. For instance, some customers will often consistently use a number across the board for all of their PIN’s that they use for any important material. Therefore, if they use a number like 1234 with voice messages retrieval or for their post office box, they may also use that same number in establishing a PIN. Thieves will more than likely use that same method of thinking when they trying to determine what a PIN might be.

Protecting Your ATM – a customers pov

Customers should always be wary of any “helpful” strangers who want to help them if they experience any problems at an ATM station. These “Good Samaritans” are often a setup for customers, pretending to come to their aid while the customer is experiencing frustration with ATM problems. After the customer has entered their PIN several times, or the machine has taken the card, the customer gives up and says he’ll call the bank tomorrow. After the customer leaves, the thief retrieves the card, enters the PIN that he watched the customer enter and then takes cash out of the customer’s account. This is all done without the customer’s knowledge, and even with the customer’s assistance.

In addition to some of the tips that financial institutions give customers concerning their PIN’s and how to protect them, they also advise customers of some deceptive practices that thieves will try to use to gain access to their accounts. While the obvious signals are related to customers over and over, there are other types of scams and deceitful practices of which customers should also be aware.

In all circumstances, no matter in what condition, the customer should always shield the keypad when they’re entering their PIN’s into an ATM to protect it from anyone who may be looking. The person doesn’t necessarily need to be extremely close to the customer to see what they’re entering because the thief may also be able to tell just from watching where the person’s fingers are landing on the keypad. If the customer shield the keypad by cupping his hand over the area, any nosey onlookers would have difficulty in figuring out what numbers have been pressed.

While the vast majority of ATM business owners are honest businesspeople, there are always going to be a segment of that business population who deal unscrupulously. To that end, customers should always protect themselves by going with any instinctive feelings that may get when visiting an ATM business point. This means that if something is out of the ordinary regarding the machine, the customer should avoid using that machine and even contact the business owner for extreme cases. Customers should not use machines that instruct them to enter their PIN’s twice for no apparently good reason. This is a phishing scam that many thieves use to gain a customer’s PIN and access to their accounts.

Banks and ATM businesses warn customers that if something doesn’t look or feel right, it usually isn’t and it’s best to trust that feeling instead of ignoring it. Always contact the proper personnel in case of any errors or problems and always take measureable steps to protect your ATM and bank account from any potential issues.


Mobile ATMS

Mobile ATMS

Business owners and entrepreneurs want flexibility and convenience in their lives, which is a large part of the reason why they go into business in the first place. Although they may possibly own several businesses, they are able to stay successful and see growth if they can implement as many automated systems as possible into their stream of business. In the ATM business industry, one of most attracting factors of the industry is its ability to be as convenient and flexible for the owners. ATM machines can be installed almost anywhere and in any location so as to serve customers, whether that’s foot traffic or automobile traffic.

Drive-thru ATM machines are one component of the ATM machine business that has made it quite successful because of its convenience factor. Customers can simply drive through the financial institution’s window and make a transaction without ever getting out of their cars. The customer can make withdrawals, deposits or cash transfers with their banks, much like customers who go inside the bank and do the same thing. There are even ATM windows that also have automated voice response windows that interact with customers, answer questions or give directions, much like a live teller would. Although mobile ATM’s are flexible and convenient, there are also other kinds of ATM services that provide even more flexibility to its customers.

No doubt that customers do like the convenience and flexibility of ATM’s, mobile ATM’s are another type of business that’s also a big draw for customers. You’ll find mobile ATM machines in places or events where stationery machines are not conducive to the situation. Whether the situation involves a security risk or simply the logistics of bringing in a stationery machine, which may not be feasible, mobile ATM’s are more of a safety solution or a practical solution for a service that customers will need.

Events like outdoor concerts or events, fairs or circuses or temporary events are ideal places where mobile ATM’s are found. Mobile ATM machines are generally set-up in locations of the event that are going to see high traffic. This is usually at the entrance of the event where there is a lot of traffic, but also where there is going to be more of a secure area instead of tucked away somewhere at the event that’s far away from the bulk of people traffic.

To further ensure that the ATM machines are kept safe and secure, they may be drilled down to a foundation or bound to a stationery area or post that’s already at the event. ATM machines generally weight in the thousands of pounds, making theft a difficult possibility. However, by securing the ATM machine to a firm foundation, this further ensures that there won’t be any problems at the event.

Mobile ATM’s can be moved from one site to another generally easily enough to make it a business that many ATM business owners concentrate solely on doing. Instead of owners finding and renting a location to hold their ATM machines, they simply book events and locations where they can park their mobile ATM’s and do business.

Attracting mobile ATM customers is certainly not a problem either. Anywhere where there is a steady amount of diverse traffic at an event is an opportune time for ATM owners to serve customers looking for cash machines. Workshops, seminars, concerts and even corporate events that travel from one location to another are perfect for mobile cash operations. ATM business owners can work out contracts with the event planners to host cash machines at their events for each time the event occurs. This is an ideal flexible solution for both business owners and the customers.


A mobile automated teller machine (ATM) is a special type of ATM. Most ATMs are meant to be stationary, and they’re often found attached to the side of financial institutions, in stores, and in malls. A mobile ATM machine, on the other hand, is meant to be moved from location to location. This type of ATM is often found at special events for which ATM service is only needed temporarily. For example, they may be found at carnivals, fairs, and parades. They may also be used at seminars and workshops when there is no regular ATM nearby.

Mobile ATMs are usually self-contained units that don’t need a building or enclosure. Usually, a mobile ATM can be placed in just about any location and can transmit transaction information wirelessly, so there’s no need to have a phone line handy. Mobile ATMs may, however, require access to an electrical source, though there are some capable of running on alternative sources of power. Often, these units are constructed of weather-resistant materials, so they can be used in practically any type of weather conditions. Additionally, these machines typically have internal heating and air conditioning units that help keep them functional despite the temperature of the environment.

In many cases, mobile ATMs are equipped with safety features. This can be important for inspiring confidence in the people who want to use them. If a potential customer feels that using a mobile ATM places him at risk, he may be far less likely to withdraw money and spend it at an event. To help ATM users feel more secure, a mobile ATM often comes equipped with fluorescent lighting, and some come equipped with canopies as well. By placing a mobile ATM in a bright, well-exposed area of an event, an event planner can further help ensure user security.

While a business owner or event planner could depend on nearby ATMs to serve his customers, a mobile ATM can also provide financial benefits. For example, if an event attendee has to leave an event to get cash from another machine, he may be less likely to spend money at the event. A mobile ATM, however, makes it easy for people to make impulse purchases without searching for an ATM. This type of ATM may also make it easier for event vendors to make money, even if they do not have credit card terminals. If easy access to an ATM isn’t provided, on the other hand, event attendees may be less likely to spend money with vendors who cannot take credit cards.


Things to Do Before Starting an ATM Business

Three Major Things to Do Before Starting an ATM BusinessWithout a doubt, the ATM business is a very easy and quite lucrative one to get into. Everyone from the small business owner to the large corporation understands the immense benefits that abound in owning and managing an ATM business. ATM business owners can position their machines at most any well-trafficked location and see a return on their investment in a short matter of time. The key to success is choosing the right company to go with in setting up an ATM business, and knowing how to properly organize and manage it for optimal, profitable results.

The ATM business is one that can easily be a long-term, high-profit business that grows each year, but it’s important to ensure that the business is properly set up from the beginning. Everything from ATM software, security, location and management needs to be considered seriously before any real profits are seen. This is also important so as to keep those profits coming in while keeping business expenses as low as possible.

Here are a few tips to review and make sure are they’re on your checklist as you start the ATM ownership process:

1. Determine Ideal Setup

How do you want to manage the ATM business? Several options include owning and managing the machine, or, owning it and having someone else manage it by loading it with cash as necessary. Perhaps there will be another owner, and you simply manage the machine. Either of the options depends solely on your personal preferences and what works best for your end goals. Be aware however that you will need to ensure that the proper legal paperwork is in place to protect liabilities, especially since this area of business involves handling large amounts of cash.

2. ATM Machines, New or Used?

This is another consideration that’s best determined by your budget or preferences with the style and functionality of the ATM machine. Buying a used machine vs. a new one will definitely save you a significant amount of money on cost, but it’s also important to be sure that the used version will have all of the features and capabilities that it needs in order to draw in favorable traffic. Also, newer, more current models are going to have current software and run more efficiently, but if you’re considering planting multiple ATM machines in different locales, your best option may be to invest in used models until you break even with your profits.

3. Find ATM Dealers

In addition to thinking of either new or used machines, you also have to consider from whom you purchase your machine. It’s imperative to use only reputable dealers and ATM machine processing facilities with whom to do business. Make sure that the company has a stellar client support system for questions and setup. Also ensure that there are warranties included with your equipment so as to avoid any issues later on. Unless you know of a third party either on a personal level or you’re very familiar with the brand and model of an ATM machine, it is not a good idea to buy your machine from a private party or individuals who list an ATM machine for sale.

Finally, as it is with customer service in any business, ensure that the ATM processing company that you select has a generous support system for their clients. Scope out a processing company that offers 24 hour, 7 days a week support, and also has multiple contact numbers to reach them, preferably toll free numbers. This is important for customers because ATM owners will have all different hours, night and day, where they will be working and managing their machines. They need access to customer support just in case they run into any issues, and at any time of the day or night. Take note of whether or not live callers answer the phone lines, or if there is an automated message. If you get an automated message, test the call by leaving a voice mail message asking for more information. Notice the length of time that it takes to have your call returned, and this is a good indicator of how you’ll be treated once you become a customer.

California Bill SB 1186

 Personal Service Businesses

Personal Service BusinessesATM businesses are service-oriented businesses designed to offer customers flexibility and convenience. You can find them almost anywhere from gas stations to ballparks. As long as there is enough traffic and a need for the service, an ATM business is likely to thrive most anywhere.

Customer-oriented businesses generally position themselves as entities that are interested in servicing the needs of their entire customer base. Providing quality service is an important component, whether that business is a service establishment or a product-focused business. They do this by trying to remain knowledgeable and sensitive to both current customer needs as they anticipate any future considerations that may arise.

Personal services businesses like ATM businesses are especially attuned to the changing needs of customers, and this is where customized or specialized services are often seen. Accommodating customers with special physical needs or challenging physical requirements is especially important for various industries, like those in financial services. Financial establishments like banks and ATM’s have come under scrutiny in several instances as not being as accommodating as expected towards their physically challenged customers. Cases have been cited where there were not enough easily accessible wheelchair ramps. There have also some situations cited where there were no ramps or accommodations given at all.

Although this is not the case with every single ATM business, the large majority of ATM banking facilities will try and make its services easily accessible for all customers. Also, there are some ATM businesses that have yet to comply with a mandate to make its facilities accommodating. Some legal entities have gotten involved in an effort to hasten the process, creating more of an abusive legal process.

ATM facilities are being sued for not having adequate or proper accommodations for physically challenged individuals. Lawsuits against ATM business owners began to grow and occur so frequently until ATM business owners began asking for some type of intervention on their behalf.

Financial institutions are often seen as easy targets for lawsuits for several reasons:

1. It’s perceived as having an abundance of cash assets or easily liquidated assets.

2. Accessible cash assets (can possibly) lead to a quick payout in a lawsuit.

3. Financial institutions often want negative issues (like lawsuits) to hurry up and go away, so the institution is always eager to settle.

None of these examples are the norm, nor are they the exception since each entity operates within its own operating standards. But because of often preconceived notions, abusive lawsuits against ATM business owners exist. To that end, a California legislative committee worked towards compiling a bill that would deter these (sometimes) frivolous lawsuits and give ATM business owners time, relief and flexibility.

California Bill SB 1186

Californian senateThe Californian senate, with a bipartisan vote, passed a bill called the SB 1186 which will curb those abusive lawsuits against ATM business owners. The suit will serve to ban demand money letters from attorneys of the ADA plaintiffs. This means that there is a ban against written communications coming from attorneys and sent to ATM owners that demands payments from the owner in return for a dropped legal suit from the ADA. This communication is seen as undue coercion and the bill strictly prohibits that.

Although the ADA still has the right to pursue a legal course, the SB 1186 bill states that the attorneys would have to send a notification letter to the business owner before proceeding with a lawsuit. Upon receipt of the letter, the ATM owner would have 30 days to correct any issues, after which the ADA could then proceed with their suit if the owner hasn’t made any changes.

This bill passing is good news, both for ATM owners and ATM customers. The bill protects ATM owners from frivolous lawsuits and impatient attorneys, but most importantly, it gives the business owner an opportunity to correct any issues that could be from a number of different issues, not just negligence.

The bill passing in California is a relief for ATM business owners from threatening lawsuits and any threats of forthcoming suits. Customers with disabilities may need the use of wheelchair ramps, Braille keypads or a lower reach to get to the machine’s controls without any difficulty. Now, with the 30-days grace period, business owners can ensure that the accommodations are sufficient.

Successfully Owning an ATM Business

ATM BusinessBeing your own small business owner affords you a lot of beneficial pluses. Being in a self-owned business with a profitable business model is also the best of all worlds. You get to control and manage your own business, reap handsome profits and you get to enjoy doing something that you like on a daily basis. Deciding on the right type of business is what determines just how successful you become.

Many different types of businesses can certainly be profitable, but the ATM machine business has proven to be immensely profitable because of all that it affords its owners and operators.  We make Successfully Owning an ATM Business easy. We help you get started and show you how ATM Machines work. It is fairly easy to manage the ATM business once it has been properly set up. It does require some dedicated initial time investment in order to get things ramped up, but once your system is in place, all the owner has to do is manage and monitor the machines as efficiently as possible for best results.

The ATM machine business offer owners a lot of benefits that include:

  • business flexibility that moves and changes according to customer needs
  • convenience, with hours they can control and manage
  • minimal time investment, both daily and weekly
  • ability to reap large profits with the right company and machine placements

What’s the Draw?

Convenience is key in today’s fast-paced climate, and customers always tend to gravitate towards businesses that offer them that convenience. Think fast-food drive thru’s, drive-thru car washes or self-pump gas stations; all of these businesses and other types like them allow customers to get in and out quickly, all while enjoying a service that they need. The same thing goes for ATM machine businesses and the customers that frequent them.

Whenever customers need cash fast, they look for the nearest ATM machine to withdraw money. They will not go out of their way to find an ATM machine (usually), and also they’re more inclined to withdraw cash from an available machine even at times when they don’t need it right away. Because of the habits of convenience-craved customers, it’s beneficial for ATM business owners to create opportunities to service customers as much as they can.

Also, since convenience is a crucial benefit for the ATM business owner to provide to his customer, there are also other important areas that should be incorporated into the owner’s business plan in order for it to work. The ATM owners can achieve this with their machines by:

Being Available

Make sure that his machines are in high-traffic areas where people look for, need and want the services of an ATM machine.

Being Accessible

Don’t place the machines in a hard-to-reach area or off the main traffic-ways, whether that’s by car or foot. It needs to be easy to fair to reach for customers in order to attract their business.

Being Convenient

Right along with accessibility, the machines need to also be convenient and a part of the environment in which they’re found. In other words, place ATM machines next to areas where people will actually need them. They will not go out of their way to find a machine, but certainly will use one if it’s available to them.


It’s okay if there are other ATMs in the area as long as your ATM doesn’t have the highest fee. If your ATM is the most convenient, it will still get used. Avoid placing ATM machines in slow retail stores (where traffic is less than 100 people per day). Try to avoid stores or locations where customers can easily get cash back at the register via a debit card.

Machines Working Properly

ATM business owners should always perform routine and consistent checks on their units to ensure that they’re working properly and in order.  An alert service where the ATM will send you a text message can help avoid down times. Keep them stocked with sufficient cash in ideal increments (we can help determine the best denomination for your location type) and using our online monitoring service you can always check to see if your ATM has enough funds. Routine checks should also include software updating and checking the machine’s hardware and external components for any signs of wear and tear.

Once an ATM machine has established itself as a steady, consistent and reliable machine in an area, people learn to trust it and will give their business to that machine whenever they’re in need of fast cash or banking transactions. In the end, this turns out to be a win-win situation for both the ATM owner and the customer.

There are very few business opportunities where you can invest just a few thousand dollars and ear a few hundred per month in return.  Let us show you how you can earn 10%, 20% or even 60% on your investment by successfully owning an ATM business.