How to Plan for an ATM Business Boom During the Holidays

Passive Income from ATM Businesses Boom During the HolidaysLike any business, ATM businesses go through highs and lows throughout the year. Depending on your ATM’s location you could see significant increases to the passive income you earn from your ATM business during the holidays.

The average shopper spends just under $1,000 on holiday gifts. Naturally, ATMs in shopping malls verses gas stations are going to see more action due to the foot traffic. Stores draw an average of 150 or more people a day on a regular basis. This number will represent a slow day when the Holiday’s roll around.

If you’ve been earning passive income from ATM business for a little while now, hopefully you have an idea of the cash needs and volume of your ATM machines. This information is going to help you determine your work load during the busy holiday months. Obviously, you know that if your machine isn’t loaded with cash it is not going to make you money. It’s also not going to make you money if it’s out of order. Since it’s going to be processing a lot of transactions, it needs to be in tip top shape so that it can do its job.

Location, location, location; you’ve heard it a million times. Location cannot be stressed enough. Location is everything. It is part of the equation of your ATM business and it’s a very big part, at that. Your location determines your ATM business success and how much passive income you’ll earn. No matter where you are, you will see the benefits of the holiday season; whether you’re in the shopping mall or in the gas station. People will be buzzing all over the place. With that said, you want to be where the shoppers are. You want to be right in the middle of all of the activity. This also holds true after the holidays when shoppers are out to hit the post-holiday clearance sales.

Passive Income Increases During the Holidays

If you are still new to the ATM business you’ll be happy to know that the holidays bring with them a boom in sales. A boom in sales means a boom in passive income, and that’s always a good thing! Still, it is important to know what preparations need to be made to keep up with the demand. If your machine isn’t in service, your customers will find another one, resulting in you losing a sale. Before the holidays roll around, consider cleaning and servicing your ATM. A yearly checkup helps keep your machine up and running. Why not get it checked out before the busiest shopping months of the year?   Look things over, clean out the cabinet, blow out any dust, and give the ATM a thorough cleaning exterior. This way you’ll always remember to make your ATM look it’s best during busy times.

When the holidays roll around, expect a boom in transactions. When you expect it, make sure you prepare so that you can be sure to increase your passive income from the ATM business. People will need cash and they’ll be in a hurry. Talk with the store owner where your machine is located. Make sure your machine is in the ideal spot for you customers. Make sure they can get to the machine even if there’s a long line. Be sure the machine is easy to locate as the store owner will be busy helping customers and unable to help people navigate their way to the machine.

Make your ATM eye catching. Invest in a topper or some additional signs that leads customers right to the ATM location. For customizable screens, choose holiday colors or something that will capture attention. Look into placing additional signage reading something like “ATM Inside” in high traffic areas. Remember that your ATM helps everyone. It helps the customer, the store owners, the valet, the restaurants, and the cash only kiosks set up around the mall. This is an advantage you can use to help direct customers your way. All of those businesses benefit from the ATM, so why would they mind some extra signage pointing people in the direction of the ATM and their store? More income for them, more passive income for you!

Take a proactive approach and visit each business. Let them know where you’re ATM machine is so that they can tell people where to find it. Leave them with some small maps highlighting where your ATM is for them to hand to those who ask. Sometimes all it takes the the little extra things that can add 20% – 50% more revenue and more revenue means more passive income! The smallest steps can turn into big rewards.

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