The Ultimate Side Hustle Idea

There are tons of side hustle ideas out there. However, most of them require you to consistently invest time, which is basically just getting a side hustle job. Or, you need to invest a lot of time, effort, energyโ€”and maybe moneyโ€”up front, which will pay offโ€ฆ Someday.

But, thereโ€™s a side hustle that gives you an almost immediate return on a relatively small investment. If youโ€™re thinking, โ€œbuying ATM machines,โ€ youโ€™re right.

An ATM machine will almost immediately generate income. And, you can get great deals on used and refurbished ATM machines. So, the barrier to entry in the ATM business is low, and the ceiling is virtually non-existent. You can own as many ATMs as you want.

But, the best part is that it takes very little time to maintain and operate your ATM machines once theyโ€™re installed. This means operating ATM machines is a true side hustle that will have very little impact on your full-time job or free time. And, your ATM business could easily replace your full-time income.

Hereโ€™s what makes owning ATMs such a great side hustle to make money without giving up your evenings and weekends.

Generate Passive Income

Most side hustle jobs are just that, jobs. They require a lot of time. They might pay an hourly wage. Itโ€™s a good way to make some extra money. But, itโ€™s also a good way to end up working even when youโ€™re not at work.

On the other hand, an ATM machine only has two major time investments:

  1. The time it takes to install your ATM.
  2. The time it takes to fill your ATM with cash.

Other than that, your ATM machine sits and makes you money without your help. The time investment in operating an ATM is low enough that you can easily run multiple AT machines without hiring anyone (or giving up your social life).

With enough ATM machinesโ€”and not even that manyโ€”you could easily add a second full-time income stream without quitting your full-time job.

Learn New Skills

If youโ€™re considering a side hustle, acquiring new skills can often be beneficial, particularly if youโ€™re aiming to diversify your income streams or transition into a new career.

Owning ATMs does introduce you to new skills, albeit straightforward ones. Certainly, youโ€™ll need to understand the basics of setting up and installing an ATM. While this might sound daunting, itโ€™s pretty straightforward once youโ€™ve learned the ins and outs.

There is a training system designed to efficiently guide you through this process, ensuring you can learn these skills quickly and effectively โ€” itโ€™s the ATM Business Road Map training system. We like to call it an ATMDepot Academy.

In contrast to many other skills that can take months or years to master and additional time to gain the necessary experience for a substantial income, learning how to operate ATMs is much more time-efficient.

This efficiency means you can start generating income sooner, making it an attractive option for those looking to establish a new income stream quickly.

Incredibly Simple Business Operation

Thereโ€™s real estate, affiliate marketing, funnel building, and other businesses that are marketed as amazing side hustles or primary income streams.

However, all of these are deeply involved businesses.

You have to find houses to flip, and fix them up to make them saleable. Or you have to build an audience to get enough traffic for your affiliate offers. And, you canโ€™t make money with a funnel if you donโ€™t have a product to sell.

The reality is that these side hustles arenโ€™t really side hustles at all. Theyโ€™re full-time jobs.

In contrast, all you have to do in the ATM business is buy an ATM, find a location, and install it. The ATM company handles the backend business operation. All the payments, reporting, processing, and other business operations are off your plate.

All you have to do is make sure your ATM has cash in it, and watch the transaction fees roll in.

Low Upfront Investment

Letโ€™s talk about the cost of an ATM.

An ATM machine costs a rough average of $2,548. Keep in mind, thatโ€™s the average price. You can get ATMs for much less. Weโ€™re using the average for the sake of comparison.

Youโ€™ll also need around $2000 in cash to stock your ATM with $20 bills. The total to setup an ATM and start making transactions is about $4,548.

$4,548 might sound like a hefty investment. But, the cost of the ATM is a one-time expense. You can use the same $2000 for restocking your ATM. Itโ€™s cash you need on hand, not a direct expense.

$4,548 is actually quite modest when you compare it to the upfront costs of other side hustles:

Itโ€™s much less than the cost of buying a house to flip (and far less risky).

More affordable than all the months of paying rent and living expenses without your side hustle income while you learn something like coding or build your affiliate marketing audience.

Lower long-term cost than the overhead expenses of subscription services like ClickFunnels, which eat into your profits, and actually add up over time to far more than the cost of an ATM.

The only reason the initial cost of an ATM seems high is because you may have to pay it in a lump sum. But, itโ€™s a much more affordable investment than many other side hustle businesses. It comes with no persistent overhead costs. And, buying an ATM costs you almost no time.

No-Risk Income

Last, but not least, is the risk. All side hustles involve some risk. Even if youโ€™re just going to a side hustle school to learn a new skill, thereโ€™s a risk that you wonโ€™t be able to find work using that skill. Think of all the college graduates who never use their degree. The same rules apply to learning side hustle skills.

Investment side hustles like real estate and investing carry even more risk because thereโ€™s no way to guarantee a return on your money. Stocks tank. Houses sit on the market for months or years.

But, an ATM machine reliably generates income (unless you hide it in a dark alley, behind a dumpster or something like that).

Itโ€™s true that some locations get more traffic and more transactions than others. But, if you put an ATM where people can see it, theyโ€™ll use it. And, you get 100% of the transaction fees.

Cash still accounts for 30% of all transactions, and 55% of transactions under $10. And, $10 transactions are exactly what you want, since most people will get a $20 out of an ATM for a $10 purchase, which means you get more transaction fees without having to refill your ATM as often.

The No Hustle Side Hustle

Side hustles are a great way to earn some extra income. But, most side hustles just turn your spare time into extra cash.

With an ATM machine, you dependably turn cash into more cash. Just get an ATM. Install it. And start generating income. You could do it over a weekend.

No, you wonโ€™t get rich quick. But no side hustle is intended to make you rich fast. Itโ€™s about creating reliable long-term income. And thatโ€™s exactly what owning an ATM does for you.

Key Takeaway

So, if you are dreaming of shaking off the 9-to-5 routine and diving into a side hustle thatโ€™s both rewarding and manageable, the ATM business might just be the perfect fit for you!ย 

Itโ€™s a fantastic way to build a steady, semi-passive income while being your own boss, and itโ€™s especially suited for those who are in it for the long haul, not just a quick cash grab.

Noah Wieder, CEO of, has put together an amazing ATM Business training system. With over 30 years of experience in the field, heโ€™s the go-to guy for learning all the ins and outs of the ATM world. His training program is super helpful, guiding you through the basics and beyond, and making sure you avoid the typical newbie mistakes.

Whatโ€™s really great about Noahโ€™s approach is that he keeps it real. You know those online โ€œgurusโ€ who promise you the moon with minimal effort? Well, Noahโ€™s not about that life. Heโ€™s here to give you the straight scoop, no fluff or unrealistic expectations.

So, if youโ€™re seriously considering a side hustle thatโ€™s not just about making quick money but building a solid, long-term income, the ATM business could be your golden ticket. Itโ€™s not a get-rich-quick scheme, but with the right training, just like the ATM Business Road Map, and a bit of dedication, you can definitely pave your way to financial freedom.

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