Where Should I Place My ATM?
To really maximize the profits you earn from your businessโs automatic teller machine, you need to place that machine in the right location. ATM placement is an art, not a science, however, even experts on the topic can sometimes disagree about ATM placement strategies. So consider the following an introduction to the factors that go into this important decision.
First and foremost, your customers wonโt want to use your ATM unless they feel safe doing so. Therefore, install your ATM someplace in your business thatโs lit brightly, somewhere under the watchful eye of a security camera, perhaps with a visible alarm system within armโs reach.
You also have to decide whether to install your ATM indoors or outdoors. Outdoor ATMโs can be accessed twenty-four hours a day, of course, but theyโre more vulnerable to vandals and thieves. Youโll have to invest in a first-rate (in other words, expensive) security system. There might even be specific safety/security laws in your state and municipality dictating the kinds of security measures youโre required to have in place for an outdoor ATM. In addition, during the day many customers prefer using indoor rather than outdoor ATMโs, as they feel safer doing so. In that regard, you might actually lose some ATM business if you place your automatic teller machine outside.
If you manage a large complex, such as a shopping mall or a resort hotel, then choosing the spot in which to install your ATM becomes significantly more challenging. Many such facilities set up an ATM in the lobby, believing that customers expect to find ATMโs there, and also believing that a lobby is a safe place because it receives so much traffic all day long. And many hotels, malls and even hospitals decide to maintain more than one on-site ATM. For instance, a hotel might find it worth the investment to put an ATM on every floor. If you decide to go this route, it probably makes sense to put the ATM at the same location on each floor โ just to the left of the elevator, for instance.
You donโt have to run a business with multiple floors in order to derive benefit from multiple ATMโs, though. Even if you own, for example, a fairly large, one-story convenience store, you might find that if you purchase more than one ATM, and place those ATMโs in opposite sections of your store, those ATMโs will increase your profit margins each month.
One of the longest-running debates when it comes to the placement of ATMโs is this: Should you put an ATM right next to the front door of your establishment? There are passionate advocates on both sides of this argument. Those who say that an ATM should go beside the front door can site statistics indicating that putting an ATM here greatly increases the usage that ATM will get over time. Some studies have even said that an ATM beside the front door gets twice as many transactions as an ATM placed in, say, one of the far corners of a businessโs interior.
On the other hand, the case against putting an ATM by the front door is also convincing. First, if you attract lots of customers each day, an ATM next to the door could cause congestion around that door. People lining up here might even block the entrance. And if potential customers walking by on the street see this commotion, they might be discouraged from entering your establishment, thus costing you business. Even worse, a line of customers near your front door might constitute a minor fire hazard, should that line be thick enough. And if your front door is glass, it might be tempting for drug addicts and other amateur robbers to break the glass at night, step inside and try to loot your ATM.
If you have no idea how many ATMโs to buy, or where to place them, you can always contact experts at an ATM consulting service. Theyโll be able to analyze your floor plan and your flow of traffic and tell you the best place to put your machine(s).