Tag Archive for: atm business

[Infographic] Bitcoin Business vs. ATM Business: Fees Explained Simply

Bitcoin. Who hasnโ€™t heard of it? News of this new form of digital currency is sweeping the nation. Every day it seems we hear of someone else making lots of money from blockchain in the Bitcoin Business. Needless to say, it keeps us interested. But, thereโ€™s been a pretty big downfall to investing in the currency lately. Transaction fees are becoming quite a problem. In December 2017, a man moving $25 of Bitcoin paid a $16 fee to do so. According to CNBC, people are paying $28 on average to make Bitcoin transactions. The average transaction fee at an ATM machine is currently around $4. Both fees have been increasing, but Bitcoinโ€™s transaction fee is doing so at a significantly higher rate.

What is Bitcoin?

In its simplest terms, Bitcoin is a digital currency. A cryptocurrency. Created in 2009 by anonymous user Satoshi Nakamoto, the goal was to create a decentralized electronic cash system. Decentralization is one of Bitcoinโ€™s most important characteristics. This means that no single institution controls the bitcoin network. This puts people that donโ€™t like institutions to have control of their money at ease. Another defining difference between common currencies and Bitcoin is pseudonymity. The system does not need to know the identity of any parties involved when Bitcoin is transacted. This anonymity attracts illegal activity which takes up almost half of Bitcoin transactions at the moment.

Source: http://mompreneurasia.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/btc-1024ร—690.jpg

Transaction Fees in the Bitcoin Business

With so many success stories in the media, people are rushing to enter the cryptocurrency business. Transaction fees are usually the first and most visible cost that everyone in the network will experience. With more users joining in, fees are increasing. According to the graph below, transaction fees for Bitcoin in October 2017 total over 22 million dollars. The average transaction fee around that time: around $60.00. The biggest pain point most people in the network have is how much the fees are fluctuating. If you enter the Bitcoin business, it is in your best interest to check www.cryptofees.net daily, or a similar site, to find out the current average transaction fee. The constant variations and shifts keep Bitcoin miners on their toes.

source: https://web.archive.org/web/20181020203539/https://cryptovoices.com/network-transaction-fees/ (2018)

ATM Business Transaction Fees

One of the most common fees we encounter every day has been rising as well. ATM surcharges have reached an all-time high. CNBC reports Pittsburgh has the highest current average at $5.19 while San Francisco has one of the lowest at $3.90. The slowly increasing fee ensures Independent ATM Deployers continue to make a good amount of passive income. As averages continue to rise, remember to update your ATM surcharges to ensure you make more money.

Interested in learning more about the ATM Business? Youโ€™re in the right place. Donโ€™t leave this page without getting the information you need. Download our FREE ATM Business Guide by clicking the link below.

Download Your Free Guide

source: http://time.com/money/4966816/atm-fees-all-time-high/

TX Fees vs. Surcharge

Although ATM surcharges have been increasing, the fee doesnโ€™t fluctuate as fast as Bitcoin transaction fees. The average annual increase, according to Bankrate 2017, has been 4.7% over the past 19 years. Bitcoin transaction fees are different for each transaction. On this day, the minimum Bitcoin transaction fee charged is recorded at 0.0963%, however, the largest fee recorded is 29.3309%. Thatโ€™s right. Someone paid $43.00 to send $103.61. Good thing we donโ€™t have to pay a percentage to withdraw money from an ATM.

The average ATM surcharge has been increasing lately, but itโ€™ll be a while before itโ€™s equal to that of Bitcoin. Most people are wondering whether getting into the Bitcoin business would be beneficial. The answer is โ€ฆ probably. If youโ€™re wondering whether getting into the ATM business is profitable, the answer is yes. IADs are racking up on these surcharges that happen to increase each year. You may have to check daily what youโ€™ll pay to transfer Bitcoin, but surcharges donโ€™t usually change on a daily basis. The ATM business is a lot more secure and reliable, however, the Bitcoin business is definitely booming. Weโ€™ve created this infographic to help illustrate the difference between bitcoin fees and ATM surcharges.


[Infographic] The Bitcoin Business vs The ATM Business Fees



[VIDEO] Explosives Used to Break into Machine during ATM Robbery, Thieves Caught on HD Camera

On August 11, 2017, two criminals drove their SUV up to a Gas Station ATM Kiosk with a plan. They plannedย to execute an ATM robbery by blowing up the ATM with some sort of liquid explosive. It is clear from this video, itโ€™s not the first time they are attempting this. They are wanted by the FBI. The authorities were very excited to see the quality of our security footage.

Authorities at the Crime Scene of the ATM Robbery in San Diego, CA

When you start using explosives on an ATM, you attract a lot of attention. You get the local police, sheriffs, SWAT, the Bomb Squad, ATF, and the FBI involved. Thatโ€™s a lot of manpower hunting you down.

These guys are wanted by the FBI. Itโ€™s not just a local crime.ย  Is a few grand worth having to hide and run for the rest of your life? I donโ€™t think so.

The suspects think they got away with it. However, as time will tell, and with the help of this HD video, and the enhancement tools Federal Law Enforcement agencies have available, they will most likely do time behind bars for this ATM robbery.ย  Maybe they will save all the money they stole to pay for their lawyer. They will need it.

Iโ€™ve been in the ATM business since 1994. Since then, Iโ€™ve helped hundreds of Independent ATM Deployers (IADโ€™s) start, run, and maintain successful ATM businesses. Iโ€™ve personally sold or installed hundreds and hundreds of ATM machines. I currently manage thousands of machines and hundreds of thousands of ATM transactions nationwide and Iโ€™ve never, ever seen anything like this.

This location has been a customer of ours for over a decade. Weโ€™ve never had any issue until we installed a new kiosk.ย  While this small kiosk does not appear to be bomb proof, the old kiosk building we used previously onsite was. Unfortunately for us the gas station โ€“ car wash is undergoing a remodel and needed to demolish the building, so we had to move the ATM to the other side of the parking lot.

In order not to inhibit the authorityโ€™s investigation, we wonโ€™t go into the details of what the authorities knew in this article.

However, now that we know all the details we can help others.

So, if you plan to install a kiosk and you are one of our customers (or want to be), please contact our office for some additional help.

We learned an expensive lesson, so we hope to use it to educate our customers.

ATM Depot can certainly help you avoid the same fate. We thought we prepared for every security scenario but they proved us wrong on this one. The key is that we learned an awful lot from this and can now assist our customers even better when dealing with outdoor ATMs.

**** UPDATE ****

September 28, 2017

After many calls between the account manager, Jeremy, and the FBI and ATF, on this situation, we learned that the authorities were able to issue a subpoena at the home of Scott Michael Petri. We are not sure how all this went down but we speculate that the FBI was able to leverage the information obtained in the video of the ATM robbery. According to law enforcement, one of the suspects bragged to a confidential informant about the crime. Upon serving a subpoena at the suspects home, the Law enforcement authorities say they found a drill, a gas cylinder, clothing and other incriminating evidence in his home that matched the items in the surveillance video during the crime.

Court documents allege (and video shows) Petri used a cordless drill to make two holes in the ATM machineโ€™s housing. A second unidentified suspect (now in custody) approached the ATM with an open flame (see video, looks like a cigarette) and lit a fuse.ย  The suspects drove to the other side of the gas station and the ATM exploded. See the entire ATM robbery (edited for time) in the video above.

The suspect (circled) is searching for the cash box after the ATM robbery explosion

The August robbery was the second time this year an explosive device was used on an ATM in San Diego, according to the FBI.

**** UPDATE ****

October 5, 2017

Scott Michael Petri faces a charge of using an explosive to damage property relating to a robbery at the Chevron Station and Pit Stop Car Wash on Miramar Road just south of the 15 Freeway entrance. The suspect was picked up and booked on October 5th and transferred into Federal custody and is being held in the Federal Prison in Downtown San Diego by the ATF. Bail has been set at $250,000.

Public arrest records for Scott Michael Petri. One of the suspects in the ATM robbery.

Finding the Cash

If you have an ATM business, then youโ€™ve already done your research and found it to be one of the most lucrative businesses you could have chosen to be in. The ATM business is easy to manage and operate, and youโ€™re all but guaranteed a profit from your customersโ€ฆthat is, those that can find your machines.

A lot of the problem that most ATM owners face is finding ideal locations to put their cash machines. It may seem that this is a no-brainer since everybody at one time or another needs to get to an ATM machine. Surprisingly however, there are some business owners who are often surprised by the lack of traffic that their machines often get. Is this lack of traffic due to location, visibility, dependability or availability?

Yes, yes, yes, and yes!

Cash machine owners must understand that customers who frequent ATM machines are those who need convenience and flexibility. If your machines are in the right place, at the right time, and at the right locations, then your profits are all but guaranteed, and a happy customer you will make!


Although it may not seem or sound like a big enough deal, but location is crucial to the success of your ATM cash business. There are definitely good spots AND bad spots where you can position your ATM machines. Put it in the wrong place (or a not-as-good-as-can-be place), and your profits suffer. Put the machine in the right place (such as, IDEAL), and your profits soar. Where are little known and good spots?

  • Outdoor concerts and venues
  • Traveling fairs and carnivals
  • Schools (colleges, high schools, universities)


As if location itself werenโ€™t important enough, the visibility of your ATM machine is the second most important consideration for you to look at once youโ€™ve found the ideal spot.

It doesnโ€™t do your machine any good to be in the ideal spot, but no one can see it or doesnโ€™t even know itโ€™s there. Steer clear of placing the machine behind venues where itโ€™s likely the machine wonโ€™t be seen. If itโ€™s permissible with the venueโ€™s owners or managers, ask to have signs pointing to where your machines will be located on the property. This is something that is certainly workable with negotiating, especially if there are multiple ATMโ€™s on the site.

Also, when youโ€™re looking for good visibility, also be aware of security and placing the machine where people wonโ€™t be worried about using the machine. Place in a well-lit, approachable place where thereโ€™s a fair amount of foot traffic, but not too crowded. You also donโ€™t want customers to feel uneasy if thereโ€™s TOO much traffic around him while heโ€™s making a transaction.


Now that customers know where the machines are located at the fantastic venue or permanent location, youโ€™ll need to be sure that your machines are operating in good condition and well-stocked. There is nothing as aggravating to an ATM customer as to traipse all over the venue or site to get to your machinesโ€ฆ.and they donโ€™t work!

Make it a point to perform routine maintenance on the ATM machines to ensure that theyโ€™re all working properly. Do this especially, and more importantly, before big events. If there are any problems that arise with the unit, have them serviced as soon as possible. In the case of machines that are inoperable for long periods of time, use an alternative solution. If you own multiple machines in the same venue, direct customers to where they can find your other cash machines on the property.

Also, make sure the cash is in the machines, and in sufficient denominations for the customers. This is a task that you will want to check on more often than a couple of times a week, especially if the machine is in a permanent location.


Where thereโ€™s an ATM machine, there will certainly be customers who will use it. With that, there needs to be machines available for them to use. In other words, be creative about where you choose to put your cash machines. If the places are safe enough and have high foot and/or car traffic, then your machine will certainly get some customers and make a profit. But, if thereโ€™s not an option for them to use, no one profits on either side.

Just by taking a little time to ramp up your ATM cash machine marketing efforts can make all the difference in your bottom line. Get creative with your placements, and take all of the above steps into consideration with your business. Provide a way for customers to find the cash machines, and youโ€™ll have a way to make your business a successful one.



How to Plan for an ATM Business Boom During the Holidays

Like any business, ATM businesses go through highs and lows throughout the year. Depending on your ATMโ€™s location you could see significant increases to the passive income you earn from your ATM business during the holidays.

The average shopper spends just under $1,000 on holiday gifts. Naturally, ATMs in shopping malls verses gas stations are going to see more action due to the foot traffic. Stores draw an average of 150 or more people a day on a regular basis. This number will represent a slow day when the Holidayโ€™s roll around.

If youโ€™ve been earning passive income from ATM business for a little while now, hopefully you have an idea of the cash needs and volume of your ATM machines. This information is going to help you determine your work load during the busy holiday months. Obviously, you know that if your machine isnโ€™t loaded with cash it is not going to make you money. Itโ€™s also not going to make you money if itโ€™s out of order. Since itโ€™s going to be processing a lot of transactions, it needs to be in tip top shape so that it can do its job.

Location, location, location; youโ€™ve heard it a million times. Location cannot be stressed enough. Location is everything. It is part of the equation of your ATM business and itโ€™s a very big part, at that. Your location determines your ATM business success and how much passive income youโ€™ll earn. No matter where you are, you will see the benefits of the holiday season; whether youโ€™re in the shopping mall or in the gas station. People will be buzzing all over the place. With that said, you want to be where the shoppers are. You want to be right in the middle of all of the activity. This also holds true after the holidays when shoppers are out to hit the post-holiday clearance sales. Read more

Setting Up an ATM Business

Network Transaction Fees + Customer Service

With the rising cost of bank fees for various services, bank customers welcome any opportunity they can find to save a few dollars. Whether those savings are with their monthly service fees or through ATM transaction fees, any cost savings they can readily see and reap do add up quickly.

Itโ€™s no secret to customers that they think their ATM fees are outrageous, and it seems to them that the fees increase almost every time they make an ATM withdrawal. While that may seem a bit of an exaggeration, what is real is the cost of doing business and how that cost is sometimes passed on to the customer.

Frequent ATM Users

Customers who frequently travel for business or leisure may find that theyโ€™re always on the lookout for an ATM machine, especially if theyโ€™re not in the habit of carrying large amounts of cash on them at once. These individuals want and need to find ATM machines that they have easy access to, can withdraw the amount of money they need, and those machines that donโ€™t have such exorbitant fees charged to customers. After all, it is their money, and while they donโ€™t mind paying for the ATM convenience, they just want the amount charged to at least be reasonable.

ATM owners also know that these customers need their services from time to time. Some may need it more often than others, but ATM owners also know that there may be another ATM machine further down the road where the customer can take their business if they donโ€™t like the service thatโ€™s offered. This can be anything from broken machines, to insufficient cash in the machines or machines that donโ€™t give them their bank balances after the transaction.

The ATM business is a very lucrative and competitive type of business overall. Owners and operators of the lucrative ATM business can often expect almost 100% of their ROI within months or an average annual return of 50% or more when the ATM business is properly Run. The investment far outweighs just keeping your cash in a money market account.ย ย To the owners, thatโ€™s the best part of being in this type of business. But, to the customers, those fees and surcharges are very much their frustrations.

Flexibility and Convenience

ATM owners provide a convenient and flexible service to users who need to access the money in their bank accounts, but may not be at or near the bank where their accounts are held. So, instead of that customer searching and looking for โ€œtheirโ€ bank, the ATM machine provides instant service that saves them time and frustration.

Convenience does come with a cost.

Individuals often have to pay usage fees or transaction fees to withdraw money from their accounts, if theyโ€™re not making the transaction at their branded ATM machine. So that means if John Doe wants to withdraw $100 from ABC Bank, but he banks with XYZ bank, he may have to pay a surcharge anywhere from ~ $1.00 to $3.00 for the convenient service.

For the ATM owner, itโ€™s a win-win situation, and they can also make it easier for the customer too.

Keep It Profitable

ATM owners determine their own surcharge โ€œconvenienceโ€ fees when they setup the machines, therefore they can set the limit accordingly, based on their desired profits, cost of doing business, location of the ATM, traffic, visibility, etc. Here are some things to implement with the ATM business that can keep it profitable for the owner and hassle-free for the customers:

  • Clearly display on the machine what the withdrawal fees are per transaction (this is a network regulation and all ATM Owners must display this). If your ATM is missing the fee notice contact your ATM provider, if they donโ€™t offer this decal, shop for another ATM provider. Not only does this decal cut down on misunderstandings or disputes and possible charge-backs, it keeps your ATM and your ATM business compliant.
  • Maintain the ATM machines in proper working order. If the machines are inoperable, that ATM business traffic will go elsewhere and the place of business will find another ATM Provider.
  • Keep the ATM machine visible and in the open. Sometimes, people are leery about transacting with an ATM machine that is โ€œawayโ€ from heavy foot traffic or is in a secluded or hidden spot. Think safety. Donโ€™t put the ATM in a dark hallway or other โ€œinconspicuous areaโ€.
  • Ensure that the ATM machine is always stocked with cash. Running out of funds is frustrating, both for customers and the owner. Make a habit to check and stock the machines frequently. Your ATM provider should offer online access so you can check your ATM machines in real time for cash balances to ensure they have enough funds.
  • While compliance requires the ATM have the processors phone number prominently displayed, be sure to place your contact information in a visible area on the ATM machine, just in case your customers need to contact you with problems. Thereย shouldnโ€™tย really be any problems with ATM machines because they require very little support, but customers often feel more secure knowing that there is a way to contact someone in case there is a problem.

Just a few simple things in the beginning of setting up an ATM business can help it run smoothly and efficiently at all times. Customers always have other options, and they will use those options if they donโ€™t have a choice. By setting up the business to be as self-automated as possible and with minimal maintenance, makes both customers and ATM owners satisfied all around.

If you need helping setting up your ATM business to be successful, be sure to contact us.