Tranax / Hantle ATM Machines

Tranax ATM Machines were first introduced in the US back in 1998 (Originally Cross Technologies, becoming Tranax Technologies). Originally a business partner of South Korea’s Hyosung Computer Company. Cross Technologies sold just 650 ATM machines that first year in the USA. Just one year later than number grew almost 10 fold to some 6,000 machines. Over 3,000 of those were the ever popular Mini-Bank 1000 ATM, a low-end cash dispenser that Tranax introduced that year.

Tranax Technologies Inc., officially changed the name of its product line and its company effective Feb. 1, 2010. The former U.S. distribution channel for Nautilus Hyosung became known as Hantle USA. The name and brand change comes as no surprise since Tranax is now using the name of its Korea-based parent, Hantle Systems who bought Tranax Technologies back in October of 2008.

The new 1700 series Tranax ATM Machines (Hantle ATM Machines) are top notch, says Noah Wieder CEO of Intelligent eCommerce, Inc. We have hundreds of these deployed and service issues are almost non-existent. We’ve even heard from our field technicians that they hardly ever have to go out on a service call for a Tranax – Hantle ATM.

ATM Depot carries the full line of (Tranax ATM Machines) Hantle ATM Machines with the Hantle 1700W Series being the most popular.