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Maximizing ATM Revenues

Maximizing ATM Revenues

Before a business owner decides to purchase an ATM, there are factors that should be taken into consideration. First, an owner is usually wondering how they can maximize revenues with the machine and what a good plan is to make that happen.

The establishment where you locate or place your ATM, whether it is a gas station, convenience store, restaurant, or bar; will want to be sure they have the amount of foot traffic needed to generate good use of an ATM. A good rule of thumb to go by is; if the place of business has 150 patrons or more throughout the day, the ATM should generate enough revenue to make the ATM business for that location worthwhile. Another indication of a good establishment, would be if people stop into the business and ask if there is an ATM in the store or if there is one nearby.

There is a formula that ATM companies have put in place for a business owner to speculate revenues from their machine. According to several ATM insiders the formula is a good rule of thumb but since there are many variables, nothing is a guarantee.

The ATM industry formula says that typically 3 – 5% of people that actually see an ATM machine in an establishment will use it. Therefore, if your establishment fits this rule of thumb, and there are an average of 200 customers visiting each day, one would expect about eight of them might use the machine daily.

You could then take those eight people, multiply it by the amount of surcharge, then take that figure and multiply it by the number of days of business in the year. This will give an ATM owner, or perspective owner, an estimate on how much revenue could be generated from the machine in a year’s time.  However, most ATM business owners want to calculate monthly revenue and income.  There is another industry rule of thumb that states however many adult patrons an establishment has in a given day, that same number plus or minus 10% will use the ATM on a monthly basis. I prefer this rule of thumb and if the establishment accepts credit cards or gives cash back at the point of sale (POS), the lower end of the rule would apply and it might even reduce the number by as much as 20% – 40%.

Let’s say you have an establishment that has 200 adult patrons daily and the business accepts credit cards but not debit cards at the POS. Two hundreds (200) less twenty percent (20%) would be approximately 160 patrons use the ATM monthly.

Keep in mind that if your establishment is not open 7 days per week, or has non-standard hours, or if the ATM is not sufficiently stocked with cash on a regular basis these can all affect the monthly usage.  If the ATM processes 160 transactions monthly that would be an average of just over 5 uses daily. If the surcharge was $2.50 (the current average) the gross surcharge revenue from that ATM would be $400 monthly.

The following are factors to take into consideration to maximize ATM revenue:

Advertising the machine – An ATM owner must ask themselves the following questions:

Figuring out what works for a certain type of business can definitely be a period of trial and error; however when the right combination of factors are in place, revenues will increase. ATM owners will find what works best for their establishment, and what works for some, might not work for others. The bottom line is that an ATM can be a revenue generating asset to a business, if it is being utilized the proper way.



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