Is There a Free ATM Business Mentorship?

A business mentorship is a good way to get advice and guidance as you pursue a new business venture. Itโ€™s a good idea to seek the wisdom of those who have been where you are and who are where you want to be.ย 

If youโ€™re looking for a free ATM business mentorship, there is a ton of information available to you online for free. But if you are serious about starting an ATM business and want to know the quickest route to generating passive income, consider investing in a course. Better yet, a course should offer ongoing support you can count on throughout your entire journey.ย 

Fortunately, thereโ€™s a course you can try absolutely risk-free. Thatโ€™s good news if you arenโ€™t sure yet if an ATM business is right for you. There are also a number of free resources online you can explore before diving into a course. All of this is to say, thereโ€™s nothing stopping you from getting started!

6 Ways to Get Free ATM Business Mentorship

The ATM industry is rather niche. Most people donโ€™t know that you can purchase and place your own ATM and profit from the surcharge fee. They assume that all ATMs are owned and operated by financial institutions.

So finding a mentor specifically focused on the ATM business for free might be challenging. But there are several avenues you can explore to seek mentorship and guidance.


Obviously, you will want to start with people you know. Do you know anyone personally who is already involved with ATMs? Do you know anyone who knows anyone? You can connect with like-minded individuals through networking events, industry conferences, or online forums. Engage with them, ask questions, and seek advice. Sometimes, informal mentorship relationships can develop through networking.

Industry Associations

You can also join industry associations related to the ATM business. The National ATM Council (NAC) or the ATM Industry Association (ATMIA), are some examples. They can provide access to resources, educational materials, and networking opportunities. These associations may also offer mentorship programs or connect you with experienced professionals in the field.

Online Communities

Additionally, look for online communities or forums. ATM business owners and operators gather online to discuss industry trends, share insights, and offer advice. Participating in these communities can provide valuable mentorship-like support from peers who have experience in the field.

Local Business Support Organizations

You might be able to find local business support organizations or entrepreneurship centers in your area that offer mentorship programs or business counseling services. While not specific to the ATM industry, these organizations may still provide valuable guidance on starting and managing a business.

Small Business Development Centers

Small Business Development Centers, or SBDCs, often offer free or low-cost business counseling services to entrepreneurs and small business owners. While they may not have expertise specifically in the ATM business, they can provide general business advice and support.

Online Courses and Resources

Finally, take advantage of online courses, webinars, and resources focused on entrepreneurship, business management, and the ATM industry. While not a direct mentorship, these resources can still provide valuable knowledge and guidance as you navigate the ATM business.ย 

Keep in mind that any free courses or webinars will not offer complete information. But they are still good places to start if you are just looking for more information about what an ATM business entails. Once you are sure you want to pursue an ATM business, seek paid resources that will offer ongoing support and help you make money as quickly as possible.

The Best (Risk-) Free ATM Business Mentorship

What if we told you that you could get more value from a paid course than from a free ATM business mentorship? Youโ€™d expect to pay for valuable information and support, right? But thatโ€™s a huge commitment. You might not be sure whether an ATM business is right for you. And you might not know how much time and effort youโ€™ll be able to invest at the start.

We get that. Most people probably feel that way. If you rely on free ATM business mentorship, you donโ€™t lose anything if you change your mind or if life gets in the way. Thereโ€™s a level of security in free resources and a certain amount of risk with paid courses. But there are two important factors you should consider:

Quality and Quantity

First, remember that you get what you pay for. So if you really want what an ATM business has to offer, itโ€™s wise to pay more for quality advice.ย This will allow you to make money fast and with few mistakes.

And not just quality; quantity, too. An internet search can yield answers to your questions. But who is going to show you how to do things? Who is going to help you avoid common mistakes? How are you going to be confident you will make money fast? That kind of support only exists in well-established entities with years of experience. You have to have seen it all to know what works and what doesnโ€™t. You just donโ€™t get access to those kinds of personal experiences for free online.


Second, you probably want to start making money as quickly as possible. If you rely on free business mentorship, chances are you will have to utilize more than one avenue to get all of the answers to your questions. Thatโ€™s going to take some time.ย 

You will have to be at the mercy of other peopleโ€™s schedules, and you will have to spend a lot of time doing your own research. Then thereโ€™s the matter of verifying information and getting second and third opinions. Even still, you canโ€™t be sure that you are going to find someone who has experienced a situation as unique as yours.

So if you want the best, most complete information fast, a paid course developed by a professional with years of experience is the best ATM business mentorship option. The ATM business road map is the answer.ย 

Why? Itโ€™s the best of both worlds. You can try the course for 30 days, explore 3 modules, and if it isnโ€™t for you, you donโ€™t pay anything! If it is, you have access to all of the wisdom of Noah Wieder, ATMDepotโ€™s founder, plus ongoing support and resources as you journey from zero to ATM business owner.

What is the ATM Business Road Map?

The ATM business road map is your risk-free ATM business mentorship. It includes all of the secrets of the ATM business that you can use to generate a steady flow of passive income.ย 

The course content is derived from Wiederโ€™s 30 years of experience in the industry. That includes his personal experiences as well as those of the thousands of independent ATM deployers (IADs) heโ€™s worked with in that time. So heโ€™s seen it all. He created the ATM business road map to address the growing need for knowledgeable, successful local ATM business owners and operators.

The course includes over 50 video lesson modules and hundreds of pages of resource material. It is designed to be a resource you can come back to time and again as you progress through different stages in your business. Itโ€™s not just something you take from beginning to end one time. Therefore, you can get started in the ATM business right away; you donโ€™t have to wait until you complete the course!

What You Get

The ATM Business Road Map includesย 

  • lifetime access to the ATM Business Road Map Training System
  • lifetime access to the digital version of Wiederโ€™s new book โ€œHow to Start and Grow an ATM Business: The Ultimate Side Hustleโ€
  • lifetime access to the full slide reference guide: all module notes, bonus modules, all terms, test your knowledge quizzes for each module, plus a task list
  • a full 12 months of access to the member area
  • a full 12 months of access to the private โ€œATM Business Road Map โ€“ Clients Onlyโ€ Facebook Group moderated by staff
  • and a Certificate of Completion (Official IAD)

This training system is based on three decades of experience and insights into what works and doesnโ€™t work as an ATM business owner. If you put in the work and follow the steps laid out in the road map, youโ€™ll be well-equipped to earn passive income from your ATM business!


A paid course with a money-back guarantee is the best โ€œfreeโ€ ATM business mentorship. It allows you to explore the business for free if you decide it isnโ€™t for you. However, if you like what you see, you can keep the program for life in addition to access to ongoing support and resources as you continue to develop and grow your business.

If you put in the initial work and avoid quitting prematurely, you can grow your wealth and generate a steadily increasing semi-passive income. If youโ€™re unhappy with the course for any reason, just email us within 30 days of purchase, or before you start Module 4.2, for a full refund.

What are you waiting for? Look no further for an ATM business mentorship. Start your successful ATM business today!

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