If you’ve been in sales or are seriously dedicated to starting a business for yourself you should look into the income opportunity and residual income stream offered by either owning or selling ATM Machines.
The most important parts about evaluating an opportunity in owning or operating ATM Machines are:
- Get a good deal on ATM Hardware
- Get a good deal on processing
- Don’t sign long term agreements (more than 3 years)
- Work with a company that has been around a while
- Work with someone at the company who has been in the ATM business at least 5+ years.
- Work with an ATM processing company that has several thousand customers.
- Be sure they offer Toll Free Support for both sales and service.
- Be sure there are no hidden charges
- Be sure you get online monitoring of your ATMs
- Be sure to do your homework and use the resources below to investigate and learn more.
Read this ehow article on how to start and run an ATM Machine Business.