ATM Business Cards 101

ATM business cards are a good way to promote yourself, increase brand recognition, and sell your services. No matter what your role is in the ATM industry, you either sell a product or a service.

Like any other business, you have to find a way to keep up with the competition and bring in business of your own. In this article, we discuss why business cards are still relevant as well as their marketing advantages.

What are ATM Business Cards?

In the age of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other social platforms where networking takes place, you might have forgotten about the good, old-fashioned business card. Or maybe you just thought they donโ€™t apply to you.

A typical business card is a 3.5- by 2-inch piece of high-quality paper stock that includes important information about you, your business, and how to get in touch. Physical business cards are effective marketing tools because offering people something tangible helps you to stand out.

Especially since we spend so much time online, having a physical business card that people can hold and feel keeps your information from being lost in an inbox or overwhelm of other online distractions. (Not to mention, you can always drop a physical business card in that jar at your favorite restaurant and win a free meal!)

ATM business cards are a good way to promote your service. Use business cards to quickly communicate important information about yourself and your business. Leave something tangible with your prospects so that they donโ€™t forget about you! In other words, business cards most certainly apply to you. Keep reading to find out why.

Benefits of ATM Business Cards

Business cards are not a thing of the past. They still work, and they can work for you. If youโ€™re looking for good locations to place ATM machines, there are many benefits to using business cards for the purpose.

Draw Business

The most important benefit to using ATM business cards is that they draw business. They wouldnโ€™t exist if they didnโ€™t. Not only do they help you stand out against competitors, but they also serve as a constant reminder for your prospect.ย 

If you are dropping in to businesses to gauge interest in placing an ATM machine on the premises, the business owner might not be ready to commit right at that second. Leaving a business card behind allows your prospect to think about your offer and contact you when he or she is ready.ย 

This process is much better than showing up with nothing, which makes it easy for the prospect to forget he or she even met you. Itโ€™s also better than simply leaving your phone number. It will get written down hastily on scrap paper that is easily lost, discarded, or difficult to read.

So if you want your prospects to remember you and contact you when they are ready to discuss a partnership, youโ€™ll want them to have your card.


There are many other ways you can market yourself and your business, of course. You could create a Facebook page, run ads, cold call, etc. However, in terms of time and cost, business cards are a good strategy.ย 

Printing a handful of business cards is relatively inexpensive. You can order through one of many business card websites like, or you can make your own (more on this later). Either way, itโ€™s a one-time cost well-spent.ย 


ATM business cards are convenient because they are easily on-hand. They fit in your purse, wallet, the center console of your vehicleโ€ฆ So no matter where you are or who you meet, you can always have your ATM business card available to pass along.

Think about our earlier example: without a business card, youโ€™re forced to leave your phone number or email written on a piece of scrap paper or, heaven forbid, on someoneโ€™s hand. Imagine if a number or letter got written down incorrectly or is illegible when your prospect returns to it. Thatโ€™s a missed opportunity that can easily be avoided.

Professionalย ย 

If you laughed at the image of you writing your number down on someone elseโ€™s hand, thatโ€™s because itโ€™s hilarious how unprofessional that would be! You can customize your ATM business cards to reflect who you are and what you do.

Business cards prove that you take yourself seriously. As should your prospects. Why would they want to invest in someone who hasnโ€™t invested in him or herself?

How to Make an ATM Business Card

Making business cards isnโ€™t challenging or time-consuming. Using drag-and-drop design websites like Canva, you can easily customize and create your own business cards and save money in the process.

ATM Business Card Template

When making your own ATM business cards, make sure you include the following:

  • Logo and Business Name โ€“ If you have registered your business with an LLC, you might have a logo and business name. Itโ€™s important to include these on your business cards so that people start to recognize your brand. This helps with word-of-mouth advertising (The cheapest form of advertising there is!).ย 
  • Contact Information โ€“ You will want to provide your name, phone number, email address, social handles, website address, etc. Whatever the best way is for your prospects to contact you, provide them with that information.
  • ATMs โ€“ This is what you are in the business of. This is the service you provide. Donโ€™t forget to mention this on your business cards! A picture is an easy way to communicate this and itโ€™s easy for your prospects to recognize and commit to memory.

ATM Business Card Samples

Take a look at these samples to get an idea of what clear, straightforward ATM business cards look like:

ATM Business Cards or ATM Business Flyer?

In addition to ATM business cards, we also recommend that you create an ATM business flyer. Both are separate and distinct marketing strategies.

Business cards are perfect resources for your prospects when they are ready to contact you. But why should they contact you? Thatโ€™s why an ATM business flyer is essential.

ATM business flyers provide detailed information that wonโ€™t fit on your business cards. On your flyer, you want to list the ways you can help your prospects. This gives them time to think, research, and then contact you after they have all of the information they need.

At the bare minimum, you should have either ATM business cards or an ATM business flyer ready to leave with your prospects. But we recommend having both as they work together to really promote your service.

ATM Business Cards 101

Hopefully now you realize how important ATM business cards are and how they can work for you. If you are already networking and visiting businesses in person to find locations to place your ATM machines, then you need to have something physical to leave behind.

Of all of the prospects you talk to, how many of them are ready to commit after your initial conversation? Offering a business card helps cement your professionalism and credibility as well as provides a clear way to get in touch with you.

Donโ€™t miss any more opportunities. Start designing your ATM business cards today!

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