ATM Depot

Why Do I Have to Pay ATM Fees?

Why Do I Have to Pay ATM Fees?

Truth About ATM Fees

The convenience of withdrawing cash from an ATM has become second nature for millions of people. In fact, the convenience has become an expected service for many. A person might see several ATMs, some on the same block or within a few blocks radius, when walking down a busy city street; they are on street corners, in convenience stores, at gas stations, outside, as well as inside banks, and in bars and restaurants. As more and more establishments purchase and provide ATMs, consumers are finding that they are paying fees at machines that are not provided by their own bank.

Most often, when a cardholder uses their debit card to withdraw cash from an ATM, they are charged a convenience fee, if it is not a machine provided by their bank. The user may also find that their bank charges a fee, or it can also be looked at as a penalty, for using an out-of-network ATM. In some cases, banks will have a limit on how many cash withdrawls a user can make per month; if they exceed this limit, they will be charged another fee from their account for each transaction over the limit. This can be avoided by the cardholder planning ahead for cash withdrawls, such as, taking enough money for the entire week instead of hitting up the ATM twice in one week, or by using their debit card for in-store purchases, rather than using their cash.

When fees were first introduced at machines, they started out very low, approximately $1.00 to $1.25; however, today, many consumers are paying upwards of $2.50 or more.  As fees continue to rise, some users continue to complain even though everyone has a choice.

What consumers fail to understand, is that using the machine is their choice and fees are disclosed prior to withdrawing money. Using an ATM should not just be considered a convenience, but also a responsibility. It is the choice of the cardholder how and where they choose to use their card, and, in turn, their choice on whether they want to pay fees.

What is a convenience fee?

 What is a foreign ATM fee?

We know ATM fees are inevitable in some cases, hence the term “convenience fee”, and at some point everyone is going to run into a moment that forces them to use an out-of-network machine; but most of the time we have a choice.

For consumers to continually moan and groan about fees, yet continue to return to the same machine time and time again, seems crazy. Let’s face, doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.  Let’s face it, it is the responsibility of the consumer to manage their money and they are the only one in control of the fees they do and do not want to incur.

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