Finding the Cash

ATM businessIf you have an ATM business, then youโ€™ve already done your research and found it to be one of the most lucrative businesses you could have chosen to be in. The ATM business is easy to manage and operate, and youโ€™re all but guaranteed a profit from your customersโ€ฆthat is, those that can find your machines.

A lot of the problem that most ATM owners face is finding ideal locations to put their cash machines. It may seem that this is a no-brainer since everybody at one time or another needs to get to an ATM machine. Surprisingly however, there are some business owners who are often surprised by the lack of traffic that their machines often get. Is this lack of traffic due to location, visibility, dependability or availability?

Yes, yes, yes, and yes!

Cash machine owners must understand that customers who frequent ATM machines are those who need convenience and flexibility. If your machines are in the right place, at the right time, and at the right locations, then your profits are all but guaranteed, and a happy customer you will make!


Although it may not seem or sound like a big enough deal, but location is crucial to the success of your ATM cash business. There are definitely good spots AND bad spots where you can position your ATM machines. Put it in the wrong place (or a not-as-good-as-can-be place), and your profits suffer. Put the machine in the right place (such as, IDEAL), and your profits soar. Where are little known and good spots?

  • Outdoor concerts and venues
  • Traveling fairs and carnivals
  • Schools (colleges, high schools, universities)


As if location itself werenโ€™t important enough, the visibility of your ATM machine is the second most important consideration for you to look at once youโ€™ve found the ideal spot.

It doesnโ€™t do your machine any good to be in the ideal spot, but no one can see it or doesnโ€™t even know itโ€™s there. Steer clear of placing the machine behind venues where itโ€™s likely the machine wonโ€™t be seen. If itโ€™s permissible with the venueโ€™s owners or managers, ask to have signs pointing to where your machines will be located on the property. This is something that is certainly workable with negotiating, especially if there are multiple ATMโ€™s on the site.

Also, when youโ€™re looking for good visibility, also be aware of security and placing the machine where people wonโ€™t be worried about using the machine. Place in a well-lit, approachable place where thereโ€™s a fair amount of foot traffic, but not too crowded. You also donโ€™t want customers to feel uneasy if thereโ€™s TOO much traffic around him while heโ€™s making a transaction.


Now that customers know where the machines are located at the fantastic venue or permanent location, youโ€™ll need to be sure that your machines are operating in good condition and well-stocked. There is nothing as aggravating to an ATM customer as to traipse all over the venue or site to get to your machinesโ€ฆ.and they donโ€™t work!

Make it a point to perform routine maintenance on the ATM machines to ensure that theyโ€™re all working properly. Do this especially, and more importantly, before big events. If there are any problems that arise with the unit, have them serviced as soon as possible. In the case of machines that are inoperable for long periods of time, use an alternative solution. If you own multiple machines in the same venue, direct customers to where they can find your other cash machines on the property.

Also, make sure the cash is in the machines, and in sufficient denominations for the customers. This is a task that you will want to check on more often than a couple of times a week, especially if the machine is in a permanent location.


Where thereโ€™s an ATM machine, there will certainly be customers who will use it. With that, there needs to be machines available for them to use. In other words, be creative about where you choose to put your cash machines. If the places are safe enough and have high foot and/or car traffic, then your machine will certainly get some customers and make a profit. But, if thereโ€™s not an option for them to use, no one profits on either side.

Just by taking a little time to ramp up your ATM cash machine marketing efforts can make all the difference in your bottom line. Get creative with your placements, and take all of the above steps into consideration with your business. Provide a way for customers to find the cash machines, and youโ€™ll have a way to make your business a successful one.



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